codeigniter join 2 table data

2019-01-25 22:00发布


hi everyone i am new to codeigniter and currently working on a small project in the project i am trying to join two tables and display there data in single table. i looked at the user guide that codeigniter has an i am not sure how this work


what table should be first and what id key should be firs. Can someone explain me more in detail about this please use examples if u can. I am trying to join credential table and tblanswers. Tnx for answering.

i have tried to code a function using this example:

$this->db->join('comments', ' =');

$query = $this->db->get();

EDIT: instead of using join method in codeigniter is it possible to use a simple function to retrieve the two table data separately? all i want is to echo the data from database table on to a html table in my website page to be displayed is it possible to write two get functions to retrieve two tables separately ?


It doesn't matter what table is first... Simply:


$this->db->select(', t2.something, t3.another')
     ->from('table1 as t1')
     ->where('', $id)
     ->join('table2 as t2', ' =', 'LEFT')
     ->join('table3 as t3', ' =', 'LEFT')


$this->db->join('comments', ' =');

With this line you tell: search me inside comments all comments with id equal

Usually is something like that I think:

$this->db->join('comments', 'comments.blogs_id =');

You have to insert into your table a field named blogs_id (int value unisgned) because blogs can have more comments. Isn't important the position of first or second value


Hi this will work for joining two tables in codeIgnator.

      $this->db->join('post', ' =');
      $query = $this->db->get();

    if($query->num_rows() != 0)
        return $query->result();
        return false;

You can change to the query as you like do trail and error method to get your appropriate results.


here is how it works:

  1. suppose we have two tables namely student, library.

note: but remember that one of the column should match if you want to use where condition/ here we assume that both tables have std_id column

  1. Write the the select query as follows, in the brackets write what are all the things you want

note:write as shown below don't put quotes to each single one put it on whole at once.

*note: suppose we want name, phone_no. from student table and book_name form library table.*

      $this->db->select('name, phone_number, book_name');
  1. Now write the from query and write one of the table name(No rule)

  2. Now join this with the another table with join query

      $this->db->join('library', 'students.std_id=library_std_id');
  3. Now write the where condition that like you want book name form library table where std id=1(in practical you need to fetch this id from view/database)

      $this->db->where('std_id', 1);
      $q= $this->db->get();

That's it it's done now you can print and check the result.