Trying to 'call' stored procedures with Co

2019-01-25 22:30发布


i've this working code with CI:

$this->db->query("call nameOfProcedure('param1', @param2)");
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT @param2 as results');
$row = $query->row();

it works, but if I try to use:

$this->db->call_function('nameOfProcedure', 'param1', '@param2');

i get the error:

This feature is not available for the database you are using.

What's wrong exactly?



Check out the docs on call_function. It's for calling functions that aren't native to CI's DB driver, not for calling procedures you've written.

You can check the call_function code in /system/database/DB_driver.php Ln 998 on CI 2.1.0 to see clearly what it's doing.


Just in case it helps anyone. I use this library to work with stored procedures in CI, it supports multiple result sets too.

here is the code

I call it Mydb.php

<?php #if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Mydb
   private $CI, $Data, $mysqli, $ResultSet;

   * The constructor

   function __construct()
     $this->CI =& get_instance();
     $this->Data = '';
     $this->ResultSet = array();
     $this->mysqli = $this->CI->db->conn_id;

    public function GetMultiResults($SqlCommand)
    /* execute multi query */
    if (mysqli_multi_query($this->mysqli, $SqlCommand)) {

             if ($result = $this->mysqli->store_result()) 
                while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
                    $this->Data[$i][] = $row;
        while ($this->mysqli->next_result());
    return $this->Data;


call it like this from controller

$arr  = $this->mydb->GetMultiResults("CALL GetReferrals()");

Also, make sure to set mysqli the driver in application/config/database.php

$db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'mysqli';