I've searched around for this a lot and can't find a specific example of what I'm trying to do. Basically I want to get the value of a textbox, by the name of the text box (not id). Then I want to remove ALL spaces, not just leading or trailing, but spaces in the text too. For example for this html code:
<INPUT style="TEXT-ALIGN: right;" onkeyup="fieldEdit();" onchange="fieldChange();" NAME="10010input" VALUE="4 376,73" readonly >
I have this javascript:
var val = document.CashSheet.elements["10010input"].value;
val2 = val.replace(<someregex>, '');
But I've tried many available regex expressions that remove all spaces, but all only seem to remove leading and trailing spaces, for example the value above 4 376,73 should read as 4376,73 in the alert above but it doesn't. After looking into this normal regex for removing spacesfrom a text field contents is not working and I believe its because its being populated in Polish localised settings on the web server. What \u char/regex exp do I need to capture for a "Polish space" so to speak, in ascii it comes up as 20 but the regex exps that most people are suggesting for spaces does not capture it.