How to escape backslash and double quote in Ansibl

2019-01-25 21:22发布


I'm very new to Ansible (2.x) and I am having trouble using the script module and passing parameters with double quotes and backslashes.

Assuming we have a set variable {{foo}} which contains a string "foo", I have a task like this:

   arg: \(-name "{{foo}}" \)
name: call shell module
script: path/ "{{arg}}"

My script needs the following structure of the argument in order to work:

\(-name "foo" \)

I tried several things such as:

arg: \(-name \""{{foo}}"\" \)           result: \\(-name \"foo\" \\)

arg: '\(-name \""{{foo}}"\" \)'         result: \\(-name \"foo\" \\)

arg: \\(-name \""{{foo}}"\" \\)           result: \\(-name \"foo\" \\)

Is it possible to escape backslashes and double quotes in Ansible?


Don't be confused by the fact that ansible-playbook prints debug messages in JSON encoded form, so some characters are escaped.

  arg: \(-name "{{foo}}" \)

You have correct syntax. This will set arg to \(-name "bar" \) if foo's value is bar.
But the debug message in this case will look like this:

ok: [localhost] => {
    "arg": "\\(-name \"bar\" \\)"

Note that special characters for JSON (" and \) are escaped.

But there may be some issues with passing this as parameter.
If call you script, like this

script: path/ "{{arg}}"

Parameters string will look like this "\(-name "bar" \)" which is actually 3 concatenated strings in bash: \(-name+bar+\), so you will loose double quotes around the bar.

If you want to preserve those double quotes, use:

script: path/ '{{arg}}'


You're very close. I think you want to set a variable, not a fact, and I would suggest you use the shell module instead of the script module. shell is more forgiving when it comes to escaping and quoting complex shell commands.

- hosts: localhost
    foo: test.yml
    arg: \( -name "{{ foo }}" \)
    - debug: var=arg
    - shell: find . {{ arg }}
      register: find
    - debug: var=find.stdout_lines

And the output:

$ ansible-playbook test.yml 

PLAY [localhost] ***************************************************************

TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "arg": "\\( -name \"test.yml\" \\)"

TASK [command] *****************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "find.stdout_lines": [

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0   

标签: ansible