Android MediaPlayer error: MediaPlayer error(1, -2

2019-01-25 20:42发布


I'm trying to stream audio from a URL. The code works fine with other URLs, but in one of those it fails in the OnPrepared method, returning this error code: (1, -2147483648). I've read some people saying it's because of permissions, but it's a remote file, so I can't set permissions. I've tried the URL with other apps like VLC and iTunes, and it's working fine. My code is here:

private void prepareradio() {
    player = new MediaPlayer();
    try {

    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {

    player.setOnErrorListener(new OnErrorListener(){
        public boolean onError(MediaPlayer arg0, int arg1, int arg2) {
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"An error happened while preparing radio",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            return false;


If you are testing on devices earlier than Android 3.1 you might not be able to play AACP (as seen on the info page for your stream (AAC+) streams.

Info page for your stream:

In order to find out what streams you can play on your targeted device check official docs:

If you are looking how to handle aacp checkout following:


I was also getting the same error on Froyo & Gingerbread. In higher Androids the same video played well. Finally after a lot of research, tried changing the Https Url to Http Url & Bingo. It resolved my issue. I was using amazon S3 server so that simply replacing the "https" in url with "http" was sufficient.

  videoUrl= videoUrl.replaceFirst("https", "http"); 

PS: For supporting older versions if you are using H.264 make sure videos are Baseline encoded.


As I can see, this stream is not supported by mediaPlayer. Android supports AAC LC/LTP but your stream is aacp. I think this may be the root cause of your problem.