My InnoSetup GUI is frozen during unzip operations.
I've a procedure DoUnzip(source: String; targetdir: String)
with the core
unzipTool := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\7za.exe');
Exec(unzipTool, ' x "' + source + '" -o"' + targetdir + '" -y',
'', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ReturnCode);
This procedure is called multiple times and the Exec
operation blocks the user interface. There is only a very short moment between the executions, where the Inno GUI is dragable/moveable.
I know that there are other options for TExecWait
instead of ewWaitUntilTerminated
, like ewNoWait
and ewWaitUntilIdle
, but unfortunately they are not helpful in this case. Using ewNoWait
would result in the execution of multiple unzip operations at the same time.
I'm looking for a way to execute an external unzip operation and wait for it to finish, but without blocking the user interface. How can i implement that?
Here are my notes and ideas:
Waiting for a process to finish, is blocking, unless you'll be waiting in a thread different from the main one. I think some kind of callback is needed, which is executed, when the unzip operation finishes.
I'm aware that InnoSetup doesn't provide this feature out of the box, see
While searching for related issues on StackOverflow, i came up with the question Using callback to display filenames from external decompression dll (Inno Setup), where i found Mirals's answer. It's using InnoCallback combined with another DLL.
I think, in my case this could be 7zxa.dll
for the unzip operation. But it doesn't accept a callback. So, the following code is just a concept / idea draft. One problem is, that 7zxa.dll
doesn't accept a callback.
Another problem is that the 7zxa API is not really inviting to work with.
TMyCallback = procedure(Filename: PChar);
// wrapper to tell callback function to InnoCallback
function WrapMyCallback(Callback: TMyCallback; ParamCount: Integer): LongWord;
external 'WrapCallback@files:innocallback.dll stdcall';
// the call to the unzip dll
// P!: the 7zxa.dll doesn't accept a callback
procedure DoUnzipDll(Blah: Integer; Foo: String; ...; Callback: LongWord);
external 'DoUnzipDll@files:7zxa.dll stdcall';
// the actual callback action
procedure MyCallback(Filename: PChar);
// refresh the GUI
var Callback : LongWord;
// tell innocallback the callback procedure as 1 parameter
Callback := WrapMyCallback(@MyCallback, 1);
// pass the wrapped callback to the unzip DLL
DoUnzipDll(source, target, ..., Callback);
procedure DoUnzip(src, target : String);
DoUnzipDll(ExpandConstant(src), ExpandConstant(target));
@Rik suggested to combine the WinAPI function ShellExecuteEx() with INFINITE WaitForSingleObject.
I've implemented and tested this approach. The code is below.
The unzipping works, but the InnoSetup window is only moveable/dragable for a short moment between the individual unzip operations. During a long running unzip the GUI is fully unresponsive - no dragging/no cancel button. I've added BringToFrontAndRestore(), but it seems the new process has the focus.
WAIT_TIMEOUT = $00000102;
INFINITE = $FFFFFFFF; { Infinite timeout }
TShellExecuteInfo = record
cbSize: DWORD;
fMask: Cardinal;
Wnd: HWND;
lpVerb: string;
lpFile: string;
lpParameters: string;
lpDirectory: string;
nShow: Integer;
hInstApp: THandle;
lpIDList: DWORD;
lpClass: string;
hkeyClass: THandle;
dwHotKey: DWORD;
hMonitor: THandle;
hProcess: THandle;
function ShellExecuteEx(var lpExecInfo: TShellExecuteInfo): BOOL;
external 'ShellExecuteEx{#AW}@shell32.dll stdcall';
function WaitForSingleObject(hHandle: THandle; dwMilliseconds: DWORD): DWORD;
external 'WaitForSingleObject@kernel32.dll stdcall';
function CloseHandle(hObject: THandle): BOOL; external 'CloseHandle@kernel32.dll stdcall';
procedure DoUnzip(source: String; targetdir: String);
unzipTool, unzipParams : String; // path to unzip util
ReturnCode : Integer; // errorcode
ExecInfo: TShellExecuteInfo;
// source might contain {tmp} or {app} constant, so expand/resolve it to path name
source := ExpandConstant(source);
unzipTool := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\7za.exe');
unzipParams := ' x "' + source + '" -o"' + targetdir + '" -y';
ExecInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(ExecInfo);
ExecInfo.Wnd := 0;
ExecInfo.lpFile := unzipTool;
ExecInfo.lpParameters := unzipParams;
ExecInfo.nShow := SW_HIDE;
if not FileExists(unzipTool)
then MsgBox('UnzipTool not found: ' + unzipTool, mbError, MB_OK)
else if not FileExists(source)
then MsgBox('File was not found while trying to unzip: ' + source, mbError, MB_OK)
else begin
// ShellExecuteEx combined with INFINITE WaitForSingleObject
if ShellExecuteEx(ExecInfo) then
while WaitForSingleObject(ExecInfo.hProcess, INFINITE) <> WAIT_OBJECT_0
do begin