I Googled this and could not found a chart. Since the various Log possibilities are Verbose, Debug, Information, Warning,and Error, I have a couple of assumptions, but...:
Verbose = ? Debug = ? Information = ? Warning = Yellow? Error= Red?
I Googled this and could not found a chart. Since the various Log possibilities are Verbose, Debug, Information, Warning,and Error, I have a couple of assumptions, but...:
Verbose = ? Debug = ? Information = ? Warning = Yellow? Error= Red?
The letter colors in above diagram are the colors in which log appears
The filter buttons on the LogCat pane in Eclipse are colour-coded to match the colour of the messages, so:
Verbose - black
Debug - blue
Info - green
Warning - orange
Error - red
Edit: a picture reference:
picture from http://www.droidnova.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/debugging-2.gif