
Getting the observations in a rpart's node (i.

2019-01-25 16:53发布


I would like to inspect all the observations that reached some node in an rpart decision tree. For example, in the following code:

fit <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Start, data = kyphosis)

n= 81 

node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)
      * denotes terminal node

 1) root 81 17 absent (0.79012346 0.20987654)  
   2) Start>=8.5 62  6 absent (0.90322581 0.09677419)  
     4) Start>=14.5 29  0 absent (1.00000000 0.00000000) *
     5) Start< 14.5 33  6 absent (0.81818182 0.18181818)  
      10) Age< 55 12  0 absent (1.00000000 0.00000000) *
      11) Age>=55 21  6 absent (0.71428571 0.28571429)  
        22) Age>=111 14  2 absent (0.85714286 0.14285714) *
        23) Age< 111 7  3 present (0.42857143 0.57142857) *
   3) Start< 8.5 19  8 present (0.42105263 0.57894737) *

I would like to see all the observations in node (5) (i.e.: the 33 observations for which Start>=8.5 & Start< 14.5). Obviously I could manually get to them. But I would like to have some function like (say) "get_node_date". For which I could just run get_node_date(5) - and get the relevant observations.

Any suggestions on how to go about this?


There seems to be no such function which enables an extraction of the observations from a specific node. I would solve it as follows: first determine which rule/s is/are used for the node you are insterested in. You can use path.rpart for it. Then you could apply the rule/s one after the other to extract the observations.

This approach as a function:

get_node_date <- function(tree = fit, node = 5){
  rule <- path.rpart(tree, node)
  rule_2 <- sapply(rule[[1]][-1], function(x) strsplit(x, '(?<=[><=])(?=[^><=])|(?<=[^><=])(?=[><=])', perl = TRUE))
  ind <- apply(do.call(cbind, lapply(rule_2, function(x) eval(call(x[2], kyphosis[,x[1]], as.numeric(x[3]))))), 1, all)

For node 5 you get:


 node number: 5 
   Start< 14.5
   Kyphosis Age Number Start
2    absent 158      3    14
10  present  59      6    12
11  present  82      5    14
14   absent   1      4    12
18   absent 175      5    13
20   absent  27      4     9
23  present  96      3    12
26   absent   9      5    13
28   absent 100      3    14
32   absent 125      2    11
33   absent 130      5    13
35   absent 140      5    11
37   absent   1      3     9
39   absent  20      6     9
40  present  91      5    12
42   absent  35      3    13
46  present 139      3    10
48   absent 131      5    13
50   absent 177      2    14
51   absent  68      5    10
57   absent   2      3    13
59   absent  51      7     9
60   absent 102      3    13
66   absent  17      4    10
68   absent 159      4    13
69   absent  18      4    11
71   absent 158      5    14
72   absent 127      4    12
74   absent 206      4    10
77  present 157      3    13
78   absent  26      7    13
79   absent 120      2    13
81   absent  36      4    13


rpart returns rpart.object element which contains the information you need:

fit2 <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Start, data = kyphosis)

get_node_date <-function(nodeId,fit)

for (i in c(1,2,4,5,10,11,22,23,3) )


The partykit package also provides a canned solution for this. You just need to convert the rpart object to the party class in order to use its unified interface for dealing with trees. And then you can use the data_party() function.

Using the fit from the question and having loaded library("partykit") you can first coerce the rpart tree to party:

pfit <- as.party(fit)

There are only two small nuisances for extracting the data in the way you want: (1) The model.frame() from the original fit is always dropped in the coercion and needs to be reattached manually. (2) A different numbering scheme is used for the nodes. You want node 4 (rather than 5) now.

pfit$data <- model.frame(fit)
data4 <- data_party(pfit, 4)
## [1] 33  5
##    Kyphosis Age Start (fitted) (response)
## 2    absent 158    14        7     absent
## 10  present  59    12        8    present
## 11  present  82    14        8    present
## 14   absent   1    12        5     absent
## 18   absent 175    13        7     absent
## 20   absent  27     9        5     absent

Another route is to subset the subtree starting from node 4 and then taking the data from that:

pfit4 <- pfit[4]

Then data_party(pfit4) gives you the same as data4 above. And pfit4$data gives you the data without the (fitted) node and the predicted (response).


Yet another way, this works by finding all of the terminal nodes of any particular node and returning the subset of data used in the call.

fit <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Start, data = kyphosis)

head(subset.rpart(fit, 5))
#    Kyphosis Age Number Start
# 2    absent 158      3    14
# 10  present  59      6    12
# 11  present  82      5    14
# 14   absent   1      4    12
# 18   absent 175      5    13
# 20   absent  27      4     9

subset.rpart <- function(tree, node = 1L) {
  data <- eval(tree$call$data, parent.frame(1L))
  wh <- sapply(as.integer(rownames(tree$frame)), parent)
  wh <- unique(unlist(wh[sapply(wh, function(x) node %in% x)]))
  data[rownames(tree$frame)[tree$where] %in% wh[wh >= node], ]

parent <- function(x) {
  if (x[1] != 1)
    c(Recall(if (x %% 2 == 0L) x / 2 else (x - 1) / 2), x) else x


Two years after original post, but may be of use to others. Node assignments for training observations in rpart can be obtained from $where:

fit <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Start, data = kyphosis)

As a function:

get_node <- function(rpart.object=fit, data=kyphosis, node.number=5) {
  data[which(fit$where == node.number),]  

This works for training observations only though, not for new observations.