In magento how to get the category id of each product from its product ID.
$items = $request->getAllItems();
$c = count($items);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
if ($items[$i]->getProduct() instanceof Mage_Catalog_Model_Product) {
if ($items[$i]->getProduct()->getId()) {
$this->_dhlAllowed = false;
Here $items[$i]->getProduct()->getId()
returns product ID. I want its category ID.
public function getProductCategory() {
/* @var $product Mage_Catalog_Model_Product */
$product = Mage::registry('current_product');
if ($product->getId()) {
$categoryIds = $product->getCategoryIds();
if (is_array($categoryIds) and count($categoryIds) >= 1) {
return Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($categoryIds[0]);
return false;
this way, category id of a current product can be get.
suppose if you want all category ids from current product id you can get from
it may help you