I've been trying to learn about events/delegates, but am confused about the relationship between the two. I know that delegates allow you to invoke different functions without needing to know what particular function is being invoked. (eg: a graphing function needs to accept inputs that are different functions to be graphed).
But I don't see how delegates are used in Events.
Can someone construct a simple example (in pseudocode or C# or Java) that illustrates the workings of Delegates as related to Events?
(This is all from a C# perspective.)
I have an article about the differences between events and delegates. That covers everything mentioned below in a lot more detail.
Basically I like to think of an event as being like a property - it's a pair of methods, that's all. Instead of get/set, an event has add/remove - meaning "add this event handler" and "remove this event handler". At the core, that's all an event is.
C# also has field-like events which are a shortcut:
public event EventHandler Foo;
declares both a field and an event, with a nearly trivial add/remove implementation. Within the class, referring to Foo
refers to the field. Outside the class, referring to Foo
refers to the event.
The basic idea is that an event allows other code to subscribe to and unsubscribe from it, by passing in a delegate (the event handler). Usually, subscription is implemented by creating a new multicast delegate containing the previous list of event handlers and the new one. So if you're storing the event handlers in a field called myEventHandlers
, the subscription implementation might be:
myEventHandlers += value;
Similarly unsubscription usually involves creating a new multicast delegate without the specified handler:
myEventHandlers -= value;
Then when you want to raise/fire the event, you just call that multicast delegate - usually with a nullity check to avoid an exception being thrown if no-one has subscribed:
EventHandler handler = myEventHandlers;
if (handler != null)
// You could pass in a different "sender" and "args" of course
handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Using events, the subscribers don't know about each other, and can't raise the event themselves (usually). In other words, it's a pattern of encapsulation, which has been given status within both the language and the platform.
You'll need to be specific as to which language you want. As far as I know, Java doesn't have a concept of delegates (though I could be completely wrong); it tends to follow an observer pattern for event handling.
C#, however, does. An event
in C# has the same relation to a delegate as a property has to its backing field. The delegate itself is what stores the pointer to the function that handles the event (or, more accurately, the list of pointers attached to the event; I use the term "pointer" loosely here).
If I declare this in C#:
public event EventHandler MyEvent;
And call the event like this:
MyEvent(this, EventArgs.Empty);
It's really just some shorthand for a full event implementation:
private EventHandler myEventHandler;
public event EventHandler MyEvent
add { myEventHandler += value; }
remove { myEventHandler -= value; }
And calling it...
myEventHandler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
All this is to say that an actual event
exposes two operations: add
and remove
that are used by the consuming code to attach their event handlers to the event. In the default (shorthand) notation, the compiler creates a private instance member of the delegate type and uses it in the way that I described above. When you "invoke" the event, the compiler actually substitutes the name of the event for the name of the private backing delegate it created. This is why you can't invoke an event
from a subclass--if the event is created in shorthand, then the backing member is private
Difference is simple.
is a class with two fields - object and MethodInfo.
is a private field of type delegate
and two public methods add
and remove
Usually under the hood of event MulticastDelegate
is used - it's a class inherited from Delegate
and containing list of Delegates. This allows event to have multiple subscribers.
You can look at:
The example is continued here:
Basically, as was mentioned, events are just special cases of delegates, but with the changes in .NET 3.5 you can write events without using delegates, though under the hood delegates are still written.
If you look at this article, they show how to use lambda expressions and anonymous functions for events:
.Net events are just delegates under the hood: They provide some syntactic sugar in the compiler.
You can set/reset a delegate, but you can only add or remove an event handler. The rationale is that you won't care who else subscribes to an event whereas plain delegates are more used in a "callback" scenario.
But at the end of all things they are very very similar.
Some resources:
C# events vs. delegates
Delegates & Events - A short Q&A
I'm new to the java world but I have to admit I'm pretty delighted, but I still miss some C # stuff, so design this pattern that has given me good results, Java experts see some drawback in using this pattern? It only supports java 8:
public interface IEvent<TEventArgs extends Object> {
void invoke(TEventArgs eventArgs);
public class EventHandler<TEventArgs>
private ArrayList<IEvent<TEventArgs>> eventDelegateArray = new ArrayList<>();
public void subscribe(IEvent<TEventArgs> methodReference)
public void unSubscribe(IEvent<TEventArgs> methodReference)
public void invoke(TEventArgs eventArgs)
if (eventDelegateArray.size()>0)
eventDelegateArray.forEach(p -> p.invoke(eventArgs));
public class DummyEventProducer
// The event
public EventHandler<String> myEvent = new EventHandler<>();
public void onMyEvent(String A)
public class DummySubscriber {
// The method will be subscribed to the event
public void methodCallWhenEventGetTriggered(String eventArgs)
System.out.println("event fired with eventargs: " + eventArgs);
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args)
// A dummy producer
DummyEventProducer producer = new DummyEventProducer();
// A dummy subscribers
DummySubscriber testingInstanceA = new DummySubscriber();
DummySubscriber testingInstanceB = new DummySubscriber();
DummySubscriber testingInstanceC = new DummySubscriber();
// We create decoupled event links because we want to un-subscribe later
IEvent<String> EventSink1 = testingInstanceA::methodCallWhenEventGetTriggered;
IEvent<String> EventSink2 = testingInstanceB::methodCallWhenEventGetTriggered;
IEvent<String> EventSink3 = testingInstanceC::methodCallWhenEventGetTriggered;
// subscribe to the event on dummy producer
// fire the event on producer
producer.onMyEvent("Hola MUNDO with decoupled subscriptions!");
// unsubscribe to the event on dummy producer
// fire the event on producer again
producer.onMyEvent("Hola MUNDO! with no events subscriptions :(");
// fire the event on producer again
producer.onMyEvent("Hola MUNDO! with strong link subscriptions (cannot be un-subscribed");
Feel free to ask, corrections, suggestions =)
Best regards!