t-sql select get all Months within a range of year

2019-01-25 13:56发布


I need a select to return Month and year Within a specified date range where I would input the start year and month and the select would return month and year from the date I input till today.

I know I can do this in a loop but I was wondering if it is possible to do this in a series selects?

Year  Month
----  -----
2010  1
2010  2
2010  3
2010  4
2010  5
2010  6
2010  7

and so on.


declare @date1 datetime, 
    @date2 datetime, 
    @date  datetime, 
    @month integer, 
    @nm_bulan varchar(20) 

create table #month_tmp 
    ( bulan integer null, keterangan varchar(20) null ) 

select @date1 = '2000-01-01', 
       @date2 = '2000-12-31' 

select @month = month(@date1) 

while (@month < 13) 
    IF @month = 1 
       SELECT @date  = CAST( CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(DATEADD(mm,0,@date1))-1),DATEADD(mm,0,@date1)),111) + ' 00:00:00' as DATETIME ) 
       SELECT @date  = CAST( CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(DATEADD(mm,@month -1,@date1))-1),DATEADD(mm,@month -1,@date1)),111) + ' 00:00:00' as DATETIME ) 
    select @nm_bulan = DATENAME(MM, @date)

    insert into #month_tmp
    select @month as nilai, @nm_bulan as nama 

    select @month = @month + 1

select * from #month_tmp 
drop table #month_tmp 


Gosh folks... using a "counting recursive CTE" or "rCTE" is as bad or worse than using a loop. Please see the following article for why I say that.


Here's one way to do it without any RBAR including the "hidden RBAR" of a counting rCTE.

--===== Declare and preset some obviously named variables
        @EndDate   DATETIME
 SELECT @StartDate = '2010-01-14', --We'll get the month for both of these 
        @EndDate   = '2020-12-05'  --dates and everything in between
cteDates AS
(--==== Creates a "Tally Table" structure for months to add to start date
     -- calulated by the difference in months between the start and end date.
     -- Then adds those numbers to the start of the month of the start date.
 SELECT TOP (DATEDIFF(mm,@StartDate,@EndDate) + 1)
        MonthDate = DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,@StartDate) 
                  + (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) -1),0)
   FROM sys.all_columns ac1
  CROSS JOIN sys.all_columns ac2
--===== Slice each "whole month" date into the desired display values.
 SELECT [Year]  = YEAR(MonthDate),
        [Month] = MONTH(MonthDate) 
   FROM cteDates


You can use something like this: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlazure/archive/2010/09/16/10063301.aspx

To generate the equivalent of a numbers table using date ranges.

But could you please clarify your inputs and outputs?

Do you want to input a start date, for example, '2010-5-1' and end date, for example, '2010-8-1' and have it return every month between the two? Do you want to include the start month and end month, or exclude them?

Here's some code that I wrote that will quickly generate an inclusive result of every month between two dates.

--Inputs here:
DECLARE @StartDate datetime;
DECLARE @EndDate datetime;
SET @StartDate = '2010-1-5 5:00PM';
SET @EndDate = GETDATE();

--Procedure here:
  WITH RecursiveRowGenerator (Row#, Iteration) AS (
       SELECT 1, 1
        UNION ALL
       SELECT Row# + Iteration, Iteration * 2
         FROM RecursiveRowGenerator
        WHERE Iteration * 2 < CEILING(SQRT(DATEDIFF(MONTH, @StartDate, @EndDate)+1))
        UNION ALL
       SELECT Row# + (Iteration * 2), Iteration * 2
         FROM RecursiveRowGenerator
        WHERE Iteration * 2 < CEILING(SQRT(DATEDIFF(MONTH, @StartDate, @EndDate)+1))
     , SqrtNRows AS (
       SELECT *
         FROM RecursiveRowGenerator
        UNION ALL
       SELECT 0, 0
SELECT TOP(DATEDIFF(MONTH, @StartDate, @EndDate)+1) 
       DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, @StartDate) + A.Row# * POWER(2,CEILING(LOG(SQRT(DATEDIFF(MONTH, @StartDate, @EndDate)+1))/LOG(2))) + B.Row#, 0)  Row#
  FROM SqrtNRows A, SqrtNRows B
 ORDER BY A.Row#, B.Row#;


---Here is a version that gets the month end dates typically used for accounting purposes

DECLARE @StartDate datetime;
 DECLARE @EndDate datetime; 
 SET @StartDate = '2010-1-1'; 
 SET @EndDate = '2020-12-31';  
 --Procedure here:   

 WITH RecursiveRowGenerator (Row#, Iteration)                             
 AS (        SELECT 1, 1         
 UNION ALL        
 SELECT Row# + Iteration, Iteration * 2         
  FROM RecursiveRowGenerator         
  WHERE Iteration * 2 < CEILING(SQRT(DATEDIFF(MONTH, @StartDate, @EndDate)+1)) 
  UNION ALL        SELECT Row# + (Iteration * 2), Iteration * 2 
           FROM RecursiveRowGenerator         
           WHERE Iteration * 2 < CEILING(SQRT(DATEDIFF(MONTH, @StartDate, @EndDate)+1))      )  
               , SqrtNRows AS (        SELECT *          FROM RecursiveRowGenerator         
 UNION ALL        SELECT 0, 0      ) 
 SELECT TOP(DATEDIFF(MONTH, @StartDate, @EndDate)+1)         
           DateAdd(d,-1,DateAdd(m,1, DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, @StartDate) + A.Row# * POWER(2,CEILING(LOG(SQRT(DATEDIFF(MONTH, @StartDate, @EndDate)+1))/LOG(2))) + B.Row#, 0)  ))
Row#   FROM SqrtNRows A, SqrtNRows B  ORDER BY A.Row#, B.Row#; 



SET @Date1 = '20130401'
SET @Date2 = DATEADD(MONTH, 83, @Date1)

SELECT DATENAME(MONTH, @Date1) "Month", MONTH(@Date1) "Month Number", YEAR(@Date1) "Year"
INTO #Month

WHILE (@Date1 < @Date2)
    SET @Date1 = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @Date1)
    INSERT INTO #Month
    SELECT DATENAME(MONTH, @Date1) "Month", MONTH(@Date1) "Month Number", YEAR(@Date1) "Year"

ORDER BY [Year], [Month Number]



Code below generates the values for the range between 21 Jul 2013 and 15 Jan 2014. I usually use it in SSRS reports for generating lookup values for the Month parameter.

    @from date = '20130721',
    @to date = '20140115';

with m as (
select * from (values ('Jan', '01'), ('Feb', '02'),('Mar', '03'),('Apr', '04'),('May', '05'),('Jun', '06'),('Jul', '07'),('Aug', '08'),('Sep', '09'),('Oct', '10'),('Nov', '11'),('Dec', '12')) as t(v, c)),

y as (select cast(YEAR(getdate()) as nvarchar(4)) [v] union all select cast(YEAR(getdate())-1 as nvarchar(4)))

select m.v + ' ' + y.v [value_field], y.v + m.c [label_field]
from m
cross join y
where y.v + m.c between left(convert(nvarchar, @from, 112),6) and left(convert(nvarchar, @to, 112),6)
order by y.v + m.c desc


value_field     label_field
Jan 2014        201401
Dec 2013        201312
Nov 2013        201311
Oct 2013        201310
Sep 2013        201309
Aug 2013        201308
Jul 2013        201307


you can do the following

SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(myDate) as [Year], MONTH(myDate) as [Month]
FROM myTable
WHERE <<appropriate criteria>>
ORDER BY [Year], [Month]