Is it possible to put in the ClientTemplate of Kendo grid a javascript statement?
I would like to calculate some data on the client and then to put the result in the row.
I tried this:
columns.Bound("ExecutionStartDateTime").Title("SummaryLine").Width("20%").ClientTemplate("<script> scheduleForm.generateSummary(#= ExecutionStartDateTime #, 2); </script>");
However, it gave no effect.
You can, with template literal syntax:
function someFuntion(date) {
var result = "";
// Do whatever you need here (make ajax call etc..) and return result as html string
return result;
And bound your column as:
// you can even pass 'data' implicit template parameter and extract ExecutionStartDateTime from there
You can even write inline javascript simply using # if(...){# ... #}# syntax. This faq will help you.