I have an application in iTunes store, for which the distribution certificate (in key chain access) is expiring tomorrow. It was generated a year ago and even though I have renewed my iPhone developer program recently, I have not renewed any certificates or signatures yet.
When I set my test device (iPod touch) date to a few days from now and try running the app on it, it shows "The application ** cannot be opened because the provisioning profile has expired".
Does it mean all people who purchased my application will get this message in a day? Or it's just me?
In other words, when a distribution certificate/profile is not updated and is set to expire, will an application which was purchased before this date also stop working on all user devices? I am very concerned about my users, who depend on this app. Will the application be removed from the store automatically in this case, or I have to pull it out and re-submit?
I am most concerned about the current users. Apple "program renewal" page does not mention that I should also update all my apps in the store. Confused.