I need to test handleIn() method using Mockito.
However the code need to call this legacy code Util.getContextPDO which is a static method.
Note that in testing environment this Util.getContextPDO is always returns Exception, and I intend to bypass this Util.getContextPDO() by always return a dummy IPDO.
public class MyClass {
public IPDO getIPDO()
return Util.getContextPDO(); // note that Util.getContextPDO() is a static, not mockable.
public String handleIn(Object input) throws Throwable
String result = "";
IPDO pdo = getIPDO();
// some important business logic.
return result;
Initially I thought this achieveable by using spy() of the class "MyClass", so I can mock the return value of getIPDO(). Below is my initial effort using spy ()
public void testHandleIn() throws Exception
IPDO pdo = new PDODummy();
MyClass handler = new MyClass ();
MyClass handler2 = spy(handler);
PDOUtil.setPDO(pdo, LogicalFieldEnum.P_TX_CTGY, "test123");
IPDO pdoNew = handler2.getIPDO();
Assert.assertEquals("test123,(PDOUtil.getValueAsString(pdoNew, LogicalFieldEnum.P_TX_CTGY)));
However the when(handler2.getIPDO()).thenReturn(pdo); is throwing the Exception that I want to avoid ( because handler2.getIPDO() ) seems to call the real method.
Any idea on how to test this part of code?
A good technique for getting rid of static calls on 3rd party API is hiding the static call behind an interface.
Let's say you make this interface :
interface IPDOFacade {
IPDO getContextPDO();
and have a default implementation that simply calls the static method on the 3rd party API :
class IPDOFacadeImpl implements IPDOFacade {
public IPDO getContextPDO() {
return Util.getContextPDO();
Then it is simply a matter of injecting a dependency on the interface into MyClass
and using the interface, rather than the 3rd party API directly :
public class MyClass {
private final IPDOFacade ipdoFacade;
public MyClass(IPDOFacade ipdoFacade) {
this.ipdoFacade = ipdoFacade;
public String handleIn(Object input) throws Throwable
String result = "";
IPDO pdo = getIPDO();
return result;
In your unit test, you can then easily mock your own interface, stub it any way you like and inject it into the unit under test.
- avoids the need to make private methods package private.
- makes your tests more readable by avoiding partial mocking.
- applies inversion of control.
- decouples your application from a specific 3rd party library.
Changed my testing to :
public void testHandleIn() throws Exception
IPDO pdo = new PDODummy();
MyClass handler = new MyClass ();
MyClass handler2 = spy(handler);
doReturn(pdo ).when( handler2 ).getIPDO();
PDOUtil.setPDO(pdo, LogicalFieldEnum.P_TX_CTGY, "test123");
IPDO pdoNew = handler2.getIPDO();
Assert.assertEquals("test123,(PDOUtil.getValueAsString(pdoNew, LogicalFieldEnum.P_TX_CTGY)));
Solved after reading Effective Mockito.
Will actually call the method and then return pdo
Will return pdo without calling the getIPDO()