I have a set of dependencies stored in my database. I'm looking to find all the objects that depend on the current one, whether directly or indirectly. Since objects can depend zero or more other objects, it's perfectly reasonable that object 1 is depended on by object 9 twice (9 depends on 4 and 5, both of which depend on 1). I'd like to get the list of all the objects that depend on the current object without duplication.
This gets more complex if there are loops. Without loops, one could use DISTINCT, though going through long chains more than once only to cull them at the end is still a problem. With loops, however, it becomes important that the RECURSIVE CTE doesn't union with something it has already seen.
So what I have so far looks like this:
WITH RECURSIVE __dependents AS (
SELECT object, array[object.id] AS seen_objects
FROM immediate_object_dependents(_objectid) object
SELECT object, d.seen_objects || object.id
FROM __dependents d
JOIN immediate_object_dependents((d.object).id) object
ON object.id <> ALL (d.seen_objects)
) SELECT (object).* FROM __dependents;
(It's in a stored procedure, so I can pass in _objectid
Unfortunately, this just omits a given object when I've seen it before in the current chain, which would be fine if a recursive CTE was being done depth-first, but when it's breadth-first, it becomes problematic.
Ideally, the solution would be in SQL rather than PLPGSQL, but either one works.
As an example, I set this up in postgres:
create table objectdependencies (
id int,
dependson int
create index on objectdependencies (dependson);
insert into objectdependencies values (1, 2), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4);
And then I tried running this:
with recursive rdeps as (
select dep
from objectdependencies dep
where dep.dependson = 4 -- starting point
union all
select dep
from objectdependencies dep
join rdeps r
on (r.dep).id = dep.dependson
) select (dep).id from rdeps;
I'm expecting "1, 2, 3" as output.
However, this somehow goes on forever (which I also don't understand). If I add in a level
check (select dep, 0 as level
, ... select dep, level + 1
, on ... and level < 3
), I see that 2 and 3 are repeating. Conversely, if I add a seen check:
with recursive rdeps as (
select dep, array[id] as seen
from objectdependencies dep
where dep.dependson = 4 -- starting point
union all
select dep, r.seen || dep.id
from objectdependencies dep
join rdeps r
on (r.dep).id = dep.dependson and dep.id <> ALL (r.seen)
) select (dep).id from rdeps;
then I get 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, and it stops. I could use DISTINCT
in the outer select, but that only reasonably works on this data because there is no loop. With a larger dataset and more loops, we will continue to grow the CTE's output only to have the DISTINCT pare it back down. I would like the CTE to simply stop that branch when it's already seen that particular value somewhere else.
Edit: this is not simply about cycle detection (though there can be cycles). It's about uncovering everything referenced by this object, directly and indirectly. So if we have 1->2->3->5->6->7 and 2->4->5, we can start at 1, go to 2, from there we can go to 3 and 4, both of those branches will go to 5, but I don't need both branches to do so - the first one can go to 5, and the other can simply stop there. Then we go on to 6 and 7. Most cycle detection will find no cycles and return 5, 6, 7 all twice. Given that I expect most of my production data to have 0-3 immediate references, and most of those to be likewise, it will be very common for there to be multiple branches from one object to another, and going down those branches will be not only redundant but a huge waste of time and resource.