I'm running into an issue with my isomorphic JavaScript app using React and Express.
I am trying to make an HTTP request with axios.get when my component mounts
componentDidMount() {
const url = 'http://ufc-data-api.ufc.com/api/v3/iphone/fighters/title_holders';
axios.get(url).then( res => {
//use res to update current state
I am getting a status 200 res from the API, but I am not getting any response data and getting an error in my console
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://ufc-data-api.ufc.com/api/v3/iphone/fighters/title_holders.
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Origin 'http://localhost:3000' is therefore not allowed access.
However, if I make the request in my server.js
const url = 'http://ufc-data-api.ufc.com/api/v3/iphone/fighters/title_holders';
axios.get(url).then(res => {
It works fine and I get response data when the server starts. Is this an issue with the actual API or am I doing something wrong? If this was a CORS issue I'm guessing the request in server.js wouldn't work either? Thanks!
CORS is a browser feature. Servers need to opt into CORS to allow browsers to bypass same-origin policy. Your server would not have that same restriction and be able to make requests to any server with a public API. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS
Create an endpoint on your server with CORS enabled that can act as a proxy for your web app.
Use the google Chrome Extension called Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: *. It modifies the CORS headers on the fly in your application.
I think the answer for your question is here
To have Chrome send Access-Control-Allow-Origin in the header, just alias your localhost in your /etc/hosts file to some other domain, like: localhost yourdomain.com
Because the server don't have CORS header, so you are not allowed to get the response.
This is header from API that I captured from Chrome brower:
Cache-Control:max-age=3600, public
Date:Fri, 06 Jan 2017 02:05:33 GMT
Status:200 OK
Via:1.1 vegur, 1.1 e01a35c1b8f382e5c0a399f1741255fd.cloudfront.net (CloudFront)
X-Cache:Hit from cloudfront
X-Xss-Protection:1; mode=block
No CORS header in response headers.
I don't know if this will help but I was getting the same error when remote debugging a react-native application. I was running the debugger on 192.168.x.x:8081. I read a little bit on this Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to educate myself on what CORS is. (I'm a beginner) and changed my URL from IP:8081 to localhost:8081 and my issue was resolved.