i need to find the records 10 min before system current datetime.
select Id,TimeStamp from ISAlive where RecordUpdatedDate < GETDATE() --SYSDATETIME()
i need to find the records 10 min before system current datetime.
select Id,TimeStamp from ISAlive where RecordUpdatedDate < GETDATE() --SYSDATETIME()
select Id, TimeStamp
from ISAlive
WHERE RecordUpdatedDate = dateadd(minute,-10,getdate())
might be a starting point. Of course, it probably won't match exactly...
...if you want to get the most recent record that fits that criteria, however, try
SELECT TOP 1 ID, TimeStamp
WHERE RecordUpdatedDate <= dateadd(minute, -10, getdate())
ORDER BY RecordUpdatedDate DESC
SELECT Id, TimeStamp
WHERE RecordUpdatedDate < DATEADD(minute,-10, SYSDATETIME());