Is it possible to save a method into a variable?
I have a class which is called MyFilter and it filters Items on different fields.
The constructor of MyFilter should ask 2 things:
- String, for example filter Items by language, "English"
- This should be a method
for example:
I have an Item and I want to check if the language == String given to the filter
So I need to get the language of that Item, so Item.getLanguage()...
I also need it for Item.getTitle(), Item.getId() and so on.
I think this is possible with lambda's but I don't know how.
Yes, you can have a variable reference to any method. For simple methods it's usually enough to use java.util.function.
classes. For complex methods you have to define your @FunctionalInterface
with this method. Here's working example:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Consumer<Integer> simpleReference = Main::someMethod;
final ComplexInterface complexReference = Main::complexMethod;
final String complexResult = complexReference.someMethod("888", 321, new ArrayList<>());
private static void someMethod(int value) {
private static String complexMethod(String stringValue, int intValue, List<Long> longList) {
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(stringValue).append(" : ").append(intValue);
for (Long longValue : longList) {
return builder.toString();
public static interface ComplexInterface{
String someMethod(String stringValue, int intValue, List<Long> longList);
You can use Java 8 method references. You can use the ::
'operator' to grab a method reference from an object.
import java.util.function.IntConsumer;
class Test {
private int i;
public Test() { this.i = 0; }
public void inc(int x) { this.i += x; }
public int get() { return this.i; }
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test t = new Test();
IntConsumer c = t::inc;
// prints 3
You just need a @FunctionalInterface
that matches the signature of the method you want to store. java.util.function
contains a selection of the most commonly used ones.
You can use method reference like -
Which is equivalent to the lambda expression -
x -> System.out.println(x).
Moreover you can user reflection to store method and it will works for the earlier version of java