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C# equivalent of C++ map<string,double>
8 answers
I have defined a class myComplex. I need to map it to integers. In C++ I would have created a map as
How to do such thing in C#?
The equivalent would be class SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue>
in the System.Collections.Generic
If you don't care about the order the class Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
in the System.Collections.Generic
namespace would probably be sufficient.
std::map<Key, Value>
→ SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue>
std::unordered_map<Key, Value>
→ Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
Take a look at the Dictionary class in System::Collections::Generic.
Dictionary<myComplex, int> myMap = new Dictionary<myComplex, int>();
.NET Framework provides many collection classes too. You can use Dictionary in C#.
Please find the below msdn link for details and samples