
MySQL and PHP: UTF-8 with Cyrillic characters

2018-12-31 19:12发布


I\'m trying to insert a Cyrillic value in the MySQL table, but there is a problem with encoding.



$servername = \"localhost\";
$username = \"a\";
$password = \"b\";
$dbname = \"c\";

$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

mysql_query(\"SET NAMES \'utf8\';\"); 
mysql_query(\"SET CHARACTER SET \'utf8\';\"); 
mysql_query(\"SET SESSION collation_connection = \'utf8_general_ci\';\"); 

if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die(\"Connection failed: \" . $conn->connect_error);

$sql = \"UPDATE  `c`.`mainp` SET  `search` =  \'test тест\' WHERE  `mainp`.`id` =1;\";

if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {   



| id |    search   |            
| 1  |   test ав |

Note: PHP file is utf-8, database collation utf8_general_ci


You are mixing APIs here, mysql_* and mysqli_* doesn\'t mix. You should stick with mysqli_ (as it seems you are anyway), as mysql_* functions are deprecated, and removed entirely in PHP7.

Your actual issue is a charset problem somewhere. Here\'s a few pointers which can help you get the right charset for your application. This covers most of the general problems one can face when developing a PHP/MySQL application.

  • ALL attributes throughout your application must be set to UTF-8
  • Save the document as UTF-8 w/o BOM (If you\'re using Notepad++, it\'s Format -> Convert to UTF-8 w/o BOM)
  • The header in both PHP and HTML should be set to UTF-8

    • HTML (inside <head></head> tags):

      <meta charset=\"UTF-8\">
    • PHP (at the top of your file, before any output):

      header(\'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\');
  • Upon connecting to the database, set the charset to UTF-8 for your connection-object, like this (directly after connecting)

    mysqli_set_charset($conn, \"utf8\"); /* Procedural approach */
    $conn->set_charset(\"utf8\");        /* Object-oriented approach */

    This is for mysqli_*, there are similar ones for mysql_* and PDO (see bottom of this answer).

  • Also make sure your database and tables are set to UTF-8, you can do that like this:

    ALTER DATABASE databasename CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
    ALTER TABLE tablename CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

    (Any data already stored won\'t be converted to the proper charset, so you\'ll need to do this with a clean database, or update the data after doing this if there are broken characters).

  • If you\'re using json_encode(), you might need to apply the JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE flag, otherwise it will convert special characters to their hexadecimal equivalent.

Remember that EVERYTHING in your entire pipeline of code needs to be set to UFT-8, otherwise you might experience broken characters in your application.

In addition to this list, there may be functions that has a specific parameter for specifying a charset. The manual will tell you about this (an example is htmlspecialchars()).

There are also special functions for multibyte characters, example: strtolower() won\'t lower multibyte characters, for that you\'ll have to use mb_strtolower(), see this live demo.

Note 1: Notice that its someplace noted as utf-8 (with a dash), and someplace as utf8 (without it). It\'s important that you know when to use which, as they usually aren\'t interchangeable. For example, HTML and PHP wants utf-8, but MySQL doesn\'t.

Note 2: In MySQL, \"charset\" and \"collation\" is not the same thing, see Difference between Encoding and collation?. Both should be set to utf-8 though; generally collation should be either utf8_general_ci or utf8_unicode_ci, see UTF-8: General? Bin? Unicode?.

Note 3: If you\'re using emojis, MySQL needs to be specified with an utf8mb4 charset instead of the standard utf8, both in the database and the connection. HTML and PHP will just have UTF-8.

Setting UTF-8 with mysql_ and PDO

  • PDO: This is done in the DSN of your object. Note the charset attribute,

    $pdo = new PDO(\"mysql:host=localhost;dbname=database;charset=utf8\", \"user\", \"pass\");
  • mysql_: This is done very similar to mysqli_*, but it doesn\'t take the connection-object as the first argument.




mysql_query(\"SET NAMES \'utf8\';\"); > $mysqli->set_charset(\'utf8\');

标签: php mysql utf-8