
Firebase Notification - send to user segment vs se

2019-01-24 22:22发布


I am assigned a task to use Firebase to implement push notifications but I am kind of new this.

Looking at the documentation:


I can't tell under what circumstances should I use send to user segment or send to a topic.

Can someone please give me some example when to use one or the other and point out the difference? Thanks ahead :)


Use User segements

  • To typically send push notifications to a specific and limited set of devices.
  • Message delivery is almost instantaneous (in my experience). Also, I haven't observed throttling as was the case earlier with GCM.

Use Topics

  • Topic or publish/subscribe mechanism is used for a comparatively larger audience and the information type is public. Examples are weather and news.
  • Topics have latency (Message delivery may be throttled)


User Segments

  • You can only send notifications to User Segments via the Firebase Console. (see here).
  • Limited to specific targets (from the docs you linked):

    Select the message target. The dialog displays further options to refine the target based on whether you choose App/App Version, Device Language, or Users in Audience.

  • As also already mentioned in the doc you linked:

    You can target predefined user segments or custom audiences created in Firebase Analytics.


  • Token/device management not necessarily required.
  • Unlimited number of subscribers.
  • Can send to topics using the FCM API.
  • Can easily subscribe/unsubscribe via the client app.

IMHO, if you want things to be quick and simple, go with Topic Messaging.


first you have to save the tokens for every single device you want to send notification to, I've saved them on a table call "FCM_TOKEN", then retrieve tokens (I'm using PDO) and send them using while loop like this:

                $key = $row['Fcm_Token'];
                $headers = array(
                'Authorization:key=' .$server_key,
                $fields = array('to'=>$key,
                    'notification'=>array('title'=>$titulo, 'body'=>$mensaje,
            $curl_session = curl_init();
            curl_setopt($curl_session, CURLOPT_URL, $path_to_fcm);
            curl_setopt($curl_session, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl_session, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
            curl_setopt($curl_session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
            curl_setopt($curl_session, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
            curl_setopt($curl_session, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4);
            curl_setopt($curl_session, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $playload);

            $result = curl_exec($curl_session);
            echo $result;   

Don't forget to close session curl_close($curl_session); this worked just fine for me.