Does someone know how to modify this code so that google maps closes infowindows when you open another?
In other words, I want only one infowindow open at all times. I looked around on stackoverflow but couldn't seem to implement people's solutions in this code.
function initMapsDealers(){
objectLocation = new google.maps.LatLng(25.64152637306577, 1.40625);
var myOptions = {
scrollwheel: false,
zoom: 2,
center: objectLocation,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas-dealers"), myOptions);
var image1 = '/gfx/iconPloegerGreen.png';
var image2 = '/gfx/iconPloegerGreen.png';
var image3 = '/gfx/iconPloegerDealer.png';
/* Info windows */
function replace_newline($string) {
return (string)str_replace(array("\r", "\r\n", "\n"), '', $string);
$i = 0;
foreach($dealers as $dealer)
$dealerLanden[$dealer['Land']][] = $dealer;
if($dealer['lat'] != "" && $dealer['lon'] != "")
objectLocation<?= $i; ?> = new google.maps.LatLng(<?= $dealer['lat']; ?>, <?= $dealer['lon']; ?>);
var contentString<?= $i; ?> =
'<div class="infoWindow">'+
'<strong><?= str_replace("'","", $dealer['name']); ?></strong><br>'+
'<?= replace_newline($dealer['content']); ?>'+
var infowindow<?= $i; ?> = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: contentString<?= $i; ?>
var marker<?= $i; ?> = new google.maps.Marker({
position: objectLocation<?= $i; ?>,
title:"<?= $dealer['name']; ?>",
map: map,
icon: <?
if($dealer['group'] == "Hoofdkantoor"){ ?>image1<? }
elseif($dealer['group'] == "Oxbo"){ ?>image2<? }
elseif($dealer['group'] == "Dealers"){ ?>image3<? }
else{ ?>image1<? }?>
google.maps.event.addListener(marker<?= $i; ?>, 'click', function() {
infowindow<?= $i; ?>.open(map,marker<?= $i; ?>);