Output aligned columns

2019-01-24 14:46发布


I am learning C++. I have a problem formatting the output of my program. I would like to print there columns perfectly aligned but so far I cannot do it, here is my code:

int main()
    employee employees[5];

    employees[0].setEmployee("Stone", 35.75, 053);
    employees[1].setEmployee("Rubble", 12, 163);
    employees[2].setEmployee("Flintstone", 15.75, 97);
    employees[3].setEmployee("Pebble", 10.25, 104);
    employees[4].setEmployee("Rockwall", 22.75, 15);

    printEmployees(employees, 5);

    return 0;

// print the employees in my array
void printEmployees(employee employees[], int number)
    int i;

    for (i=0; i<number; i++) {
        employees[i].printEmployee();// this is the method that give me problems
    cout << "\n";

in the class employee I have the print employee method:

void printEmployee() const
    cout << fixed;
    cout << surname << setw(10) << empNumber << "\t" << setw(4) << hourlyRate << "\n";

Problem is when I print "flinstones" line the emp number and rate are not lined up. something like this happens:

Stone        43 35.750000
Rubble       163    12.000000
Flintstone        97    15.750000
Pebble       104    10.250000
Rockwall        15  22.750000

Can anybody help me? (I tried to add tabs.. but it didn't help)


In the class employee of print employee method: Use this line to print.

cout << setw(20) << left << surname << setw(10) << left << empNumber << setw(4) << hourlyRate << endl;

You forgot to add "<< left". This is required if you want left aligned.

Hope it ll useful.


You need to set a width before you print out the name to get other things to line up after that. Something on this general order:

cout << left << setw(15) << surname 
     << setw(10) << empNumber << "\t" 
     << setw(4) << hourlyRate << "\n";

I'd (at least normally) avoid trying to mix fixed-width fields with tabs as well. It's generally easier to just use widths to align things.

标签: c++ cout