Say I have the following text
<A HREF="" >blah blah blah </A>
...(continue content)...
I want to delete the link and I want to delete the tag (while keeping the text in between). How do I do this with a regular expression (since the URLs will all be different)
Much thanks
Avoid regular expressions whenever you can, especially when processing xml. In this case you can use strip_tags()
or simplexml, depending on your string.
This will remove all tags:
preg_replace("/<.*?>/", "", $string);
This will remove just the <a>
preg_replace("/<\\/?a(\\s+.*?>|>)/", "", $string);
//example to extract the innerText from all anchors in a string
$html = str_get_html('<A HREF="" >blah blah blah </A><A HREF="" >blah blah blah </A>');
//print the text of each anchor
foreach($html->find('a') as $e) {
echo $e->innerText;
See PHP Simple DOM Parser.
Not pretty but does the job:
$data = str_replace('</a>', '', $data);
$data = preg_replace('/<a[^>]+href[^>]+>/', '', $data);
can also be used.
Please see examples here.
I use this to replace the anchors with a text string...
function replaceAnchorsWithText($data) {
$regex = '/(<a\s*'; // Start of anchor tag
$regex .= '(.*?)\s*'; // Any attributes or spaces that may or may not exist
$regex .= 'href=[\'"]+?\s*(?P<link>\S+)\s*[\'"]+?'; // Grab the link
$regex .= '\s*(.*?)\s*>\s*'; // Any attributes or spaces that may or may not exist before closing tag
$regex .= '(?P<name>\S+)'; // Grab the name
$regex .= '\s*<\/a>)/i'; // Any number of spaces between the closing anchor tag (case insensitive)
if (is_array($data)) {
// This is what will replace the link (modify to you liking)
$data = "{$data['name']}({$data['link']})";
return preg_replace_callback($regex, array('self', 'replaceAnchorsWithText'), $data);
$pattern = '/href="([^"]*)"/';