How can I convert this:
Into something like this:
The trick here is that the coordinates are, actually Latitude and Longitude, I just need to format them correctly.
How can I convert this:
Into something like this:
The trick here is that the coordinates are, actually Latitude and Longitude, I just need to format them correctly.
You can find functions to do that here
function DMStoDEC($deg,$min,$sec)
// Converts DMS ( Degrees / minutes / seconds )
// to decimal format longitude / latitude
return $deg+((($min*60)+($sec))/3600);
function DECtoDMS($dec)
// Converts decimal longitude / latitude to DMS
// ( Degrees / minutes / seconds )
// This is the piece of code which may appear to
// be inefficient, but to avoid issues with floating
// point math we extract the integer part and the float
// part by using a string function.
$vars = explode(".",$dec);
$deg = $vars[0];
$tempma = "0.".$vars[1];
$tempma = $tempma * 3600;
$min = floor($tempma / 60);
$sec = $tempma - ($min*60);
return array("deg"=>$deg,"min"=>$min,"sec"=>$sec);
The lat/lon coords are written in (roughly speaking) a base-60 numeral system. Here's how you convert them:
function fraction_to_min_sec($coord)
$isnorth = $coord>=0;
$coord = abs($coord);
$deg = floor($coord);
$coord = ($coord-$deg)*60;
$min = floor($coord);
$sec = floor(($coord-$min)*60);
return array($deg, $min, $sec, $isnorth ? 'N' : 'S');
// or if you want the string representation
return sprintf("%d°%d'%d\"%s", $deg, $min, $sec, $isnorth ? 'N' : 'S');
I say my function has better numerical stability than @SeRPRo's one.
Here's one where you pass in the latitude,longitude in DMS values and returns the converted DMS string. Easy and simple
function DECtoDMS($latitude, $longitude)
$latitudeDirection = $latitude < 0 ? 'S': 'N';
$longitudeDirection = $longitude < 0 ? 'W': 'E';
$latitudeNotation = $latitude < 0 ? '-': '';
$longitudeNotation = $longitude < 0 ? '-': '';
$latitudeInDegrees = floor(abs($latitude));
$longitudeInDegrees = floor(abs($longitude));
$latitudeDecimal = abs($latitude)-$latitudeInDegrees;
$longitudeDecimal = abs($longitude)-$longitudeInDegrees;
$_precision = 3;
$latitudeMinutes = round($latitudeDecimal*60,$_precision);
$longitudeMinutes = round($longitudeDecimal*60,$_precision);
return sprintf('%s%s° %s %s %s%s° %s %s',
Here is the opposite when you have DMS string and need it as float number (contains unicode characters):
$dec = dms_to_dec("-18° 51' 30.5697\"");
* Convert a coordinate in dms to dec
* @param string $dms coordinate
* @return float
function dms_to_dec($dms)
$dms = stripslashes($dms);
$neg = (preg_match('/[SWO]/i', $dms) == 0) ? 1 : -1;
$dms = preg_replace('/(^\s?-)|(\s?[NSEWO]\s?)/i', '', $dms);
$pattern = "/(\\d*\\.?\\d+)(?:[°ºd: ]+)(\\d*\\.?\\d+)*(?:['m′: ])*(\\d*\\.?\\d+)*[\"s″ ]?/i";
$parts = preg_split($pattern, $dms, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
if (!$parts) {
// parts: 0 = degree, 1 = minutes, 2 = seconds
$d = isset($parts[0]) ? (float)$parts[0] : 0;
$m = isset($parts[1]) ? (float)$parts[1] : 0;
if (strpos($dms, ".") > 1 && isset($parts[2])) {
$m = (float)($parts[1] . '.' . $parts[2]);
$s = isset($parts[2]) ? (float)$parts[2] : 0;
$dec = ($d + ($m/60) + ($s/3600))*$neg;
return $dec;