For use with the Azure API Management, I am trying to add Applications to an Azure Active Directory (AAD) programmatically, in my case by using the Graph API.
My scenario is the following: In order to secure a Web API I want to manage with Azure API Management, I want to leverage AAD's OAuth functionality to do the heavy lifting regarding authentication and issuing JWT Tokens, and then just use the validate-jwt policy to verify everything is okay in Azure API Management. This has the advantage I can more or less omit authentication in my backend service.
This works fine, as long as I have created an application in the Azure AD for the consuming web application, but this has to be done manually from the Azure Portal; Azure APIm does not do it automatically.
Now for what I am trying to do to get the done automatically: I wanted to delegate the subscription to APIs in APIm to some other web app I am writing, and from there I want to leverage the Graph API to create an Application in the Azure AD and grant permissions to the Application of the API.
The first thing I tried to do was to have a third application (my service application) to have full application permissions to the Windows Azure Active Directory application in the Azure AD; this lets my application access AAD using the Graph REST API. I manage to get an Access Token using the client_credentials grant (from, but this Token does not let me do a POST
on AAD ID)/applications?api-version=1.5
"odata.error": {
"code": "Authorization_RequestDenied",
"message": {
"lang": "en",
"value": "Insufficient privileges to complete the operation."
I found ( that even if I grant the Directory.ReadWrite.All
permission, the application (app-only) will not be able to create or update Applications:
Note: Specifically excludes create or update for entities not listed above. This includes: Application, Oauth2PermissionGrant, AppRoleAssignment, Device, ServicePrincipal, TenantDetail, domains, etc.
The next thing I tried was the Resource Owner Password Grant (grant_type=password
), passing my own credentials additionally, so that I can impersonate myself in the Graph API. Now, my POST
to the applications
end point succeeds.
My bottom-of-the-line question is: Can I grant sufficient permissions to my application so that I can add applications programmatically using the client credentials flow, and not any flow which acts on behalf of a user? And if so, how is it done?