I have following json array which is generated at runtime.
Hence the number of name/data pairs varies.
`var sales = { "SalesData" : [
{ "name" : "AllProducts|Canada", "data" :[44936.0,50752.0] },
{ "name" : "AllProducts|Mexico", "data" : [200679.0,226838.0] },
{ "name" : "AllProducts|USA", "data" : [288993.0,289126.0] }
]} `
I want to pass this data to series in highcharts.
This is how I am doing it currently.
series: [
But if the number of elements in array are changed then this won't work.
How do I solve this problem ? Demo code will help me.
I have refereed following questions but I was not able to solve the problem.
Dynamically adding to Highcharts
Highcharts series data array
Instead of constructing the series
array manually you could loop through the sales
variable data and construct the array. So what ever the number of elements in the sales.SalesData
array, all items will be there in the series
var series = [],
salesData= sales.SalesData;
for (var i=0 i< salesData.length; i++) {
series.push({"name" : key, "data" : sales[key]})
This constructed series
array is part of the object which you must pass as argument to highcharts
var chartdata = {
chart: {type: 'column'},
title: {text: 'Sales Data'},
xAxis: {
categories: ['Category 1','Category 2']
yAxis: {
min: 0,
title: {text: 'Sales'}
series : []
chartdata.series = series;
where #chart is the container where you want to display the chart.
you can also refer to the fiddles which are available in their demo pages for each type of chart to know more on how to display a particular type of chart.
I solved the problem
Changed json array as follows:
var sales = [
{ "name" : "AllProducts123|Canada", "data" :[44936.0,50752.0] },
{ "name" : "AllProducts|Mexico", "data" : [200679.0,226838.0] },
{ "name" : "AllProducts|USA", "data" : [288993.0,289126.0] }
Now pass it directly to series in highcharts.
Done !!!!!