Simple question, but I am asking just to make sure I am not overlooking an obvious
solution which can be much more efficient.
If one has large data buffer, say very large list, that needs to be updated, and
wanted to pass it to a function to do the updating inside the function as in
a = Table[0,{10}]
a = update[a]
and since I can't use pass by reference (in a CDF, one can't change the
Atrributes of a function to anything, such as HoldFirst), then I am forced
to make a copy of the list inside the function itself in order to update it,
and return back the copy.
My question, other than using 'global variables' which is not good,
is there a more efficient way to do this?
ps. about a year ago, I asked about copy by reference, here is a link
to my Mathgroup question. (Thanks to Leonid answer there btw, was useful answer).
But my question here is a little different, since now I can NOT use HoldFirst,
are there any other alternatives that I am not seeing to avoid this extra
copying of data all the time, it seems to slow down the program when
the size becomes too large.
(can't use SetAttributes and its friends, not allowed in CDF).
I'll show the basic example first, then show how I would do it if
I could use the HoldFirst.
update[a_List] := Module[{copyOfa = a}, copyOfa[[1]] = 5; copyOfa]
a = Table[0, {10}];
a = update[a]
----> {5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
If I could use the HoldFirst, I would write
update[a_] := Module[{}, a[[1]] = 5; a]
Attributes[update] = {HoldFirst};
a = Table[0, {10}];
a = update[a]
----> {5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
Much more efficient, since no copying is done. Pass by reference.
I could use a global variable, as in
a = Table[0, {10}];
updateMya[] := Module[{}, a[[1]] = 5]
----> {5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
But this is of course bad programming even if is it very fast.
Since I have large data buffers, and I'd like to modularize my Mathematica code,
I need to create functions that I pass it large data to process, but at the same
time wanted to keep it 'efficient'.
Any other options one can see to do this?
sorry if this was asked before here, hard to search SO.
addition 1
Using Unevaluated is easy to use, but I am no longer able to use the type checking I had to make sure that a list is being passed. For example
update[a_List] := Module[{}, a[[1]] = 5; a]
a = Table[0, {10}];
a = update[Unevaluated[a]]
The call now does not 'bind' to the definition, since 'a' now does not have header List.
So, I lose some of the robustness I had in the code. But using Unevaluated does work in CDF and changing the code to use it was easy. I just had to remove those extra 'type checking' that I had there to make it work.
The function Unevaluated
has pretty much the same effect as (temporarily) setting the Attribute HoldFirst
so you could do something like
update[a_] := Module[{}, a[[1]] = 5; a]
a = Table[0, {10}];
a = update[Unevaluated[a]]
Concerning addition 1: you could add type checking by doing something like
update[a_] := Module[{}, a[[1]] = 5; a] /; Head[a] == List
a = Table[0, {10}];
works as before but
b = f[1,2,3];
just returns the last statement in unevaluated form.
Alternatively, and if CDF allows that, you can use a pure function with a Hold*-attribute, like so:
update = Function[a, a[[1]] = 5; a, HoldFirst]
Then, you use it as usual:
Out[1410]= {5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
Just for completeness, here is another way, which is less elegant, but which I found myself using from time to time, especially when you have several parameters and want to hold more than one (but such that HoldFirst
or HoldRest
are not good enough, such as first and third, for example): just wrap your parameter in Hold
, and document it in the function's signature, like this:
updateHeld[Hold[sym_], value_] := (sym[[1]] = value; sym)
You use it as:
In[1420]:= a=Table[0,{10}];
Out[1422]= {10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
If your main concern is encapsulation, you can also use Module
to create persistent local variable and methods to access and modify it, like so:
updateA[partIndices__, value_] := a[[partIndices]] = value;
setA[value_] := a = value;
getA[] := a
It is still (alomost) a global variable from the structural point of view, but there is no danger of name collisions with other variables, and it is easier to track where it is changed, since you only can do it by using the mutator methods above (but not directly). You use it as:
Out[1446]= {5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
This is like making a simplistic JavaBean in Java - a container for mutable data (a way to encapsulate the state). You will have a slight overhead due to extra method invocations (w.r.t. Hold-attribute or Unevaluated
- based methods), and in many cases you don't need it, but in some cases you may want to encapsulate the state like that - it may make your (stateful) code easier to test. Personally, I've done this a few times for UI-programming and in the code related to interfacing with a database.
In the same spirit, you can also share some variables between functions, defining those functions inside the Module
scope - in this case, you may not need getter and setter methods, and such global functions with shared state are closures
. You may find much more detailed discussion of this in my third post in this MathGroup thread.