I'm trying to get an average for a count on a groupBy by joining with a subquery. Don't know if that the right way to go at all but I couldn't anything about subqueries other than the mysema doc.
Scenario: How many orders per product did a customer do on average? Meaning: A Customer orders products. So a customer ordered a specific product a number of times (count). What's the average number of orders that customer placed for any product?
Might sound a bit hypothetical, in fact it's just part of a prototype, but it made me wonder, how to get a reference to a custom column created within a subquery with the fancy QueryDSL from Mysema.
In SQL you just give the count column an alias and join using a second ID column. QueryDSL has the "as()" method as well but I have no Idea, how to retrieve that column plus I dont't see how it can join one query with anothers, since query.list() just gets a list but for some reason the join accepts it. Feels wrong...
Here's my code:
JPQLQuery query = createJPQLQuery();
QOrdering qOrdering = QOrdering.ordering;
QProduct qProduct = QProduct.product;
QCustomer qCustomer = QCustomer.customer;
// how many of each product did a customer order?
HibernateSubQuery subQuery = new HibernateSubQuery();
subQuery.from(qOrdering).innerJoin(qOrdering.product,qProduct).innerJoin(qOrdering.customer, qCustomer);
// get the average number of orders per product for each customer
return (List<Object[]>) query.list(qCustomer.firstname,subQuery.count_orders.avg());
Again: How do I join with a subquery? How do I get the aliased "count" column to do more aggregation like avg (is my group right btw?) Might be that I have some other errors in this, so any help appreciated!
Edit: That's kind of the native SQL I'd like to see QueryDSL produce:
Select avg(numOrders) as average, cust.lastname from
customer cust
inner join
(select count(o.product_id) as numOrders, c.id as cid, p.name
from ordering o
inner join product p on o.product_id=p.id
inner join customer c on o.customer_id=c.id
group by o.customer_id, o.product_id) as numprods
on cust.id = numprods.cid
group by numprods.cid
order by cust.lastname;