How does one implement a dfa
or an nfa
for that matter in Python code?
What are some good ways to do it in python? And are they ever used in real world projects?
How does one implement a dfa
or an nfa
for that matter in Python code?
What are some good ways to do it in python? And are they ever used in real world projects?
A straightforward way to represent a DFA is as a dictionary of dictionaries. For each state create a dictionary which is keyed by the letters of the alphabet and then a global dictionary which is keyed by the states. For example, the following DFA from the Wikipedia article on DFAs
can be represented by a dictionary like this:
dfa = {0:{'0':0, '1':1},
1:{'0':2, '1':0},
2:{'0':1, '1':2}}
To "run" a dfa against an input string drawn from the alphabet in question (after specifying the initial state and the set of accepting values) is straightforward:
def accepts(transitions,initial,accepting,s):
state = initial
for c in s:
state = transitions[state][c]
return state in accepting
You start in the initial state, step through the string character by character, and at each step simply look up the next state. When you are done stepping through the string you simply check if the final state is in the set of accepting states.
For example
>>> accepts(dfa,0,{0},'1011101')
>>> accepts(dfa,0,{0},'10111011')
For NFAs you could store sets of possible states rather than individual states in the transition dictionaries and use the random
module to pick the next state from the set of possible states.
well, here I present a recursive solution for NFA.
consider the following nfa:
the transitions can be represented using list of lists as follows:
transition = [[[0,1],[0]], [[4],[2]], [[4],[3]], [[4],[4]],[[4],[4]]]
Note: State 4 is a hypothetical state. Once you go to that state, you can't move further. It is helpful when you can't read the input from the current state. You directly go to the state 4 and say input is not accepted for current progress(Check other possibilities by going back). e.g, if you are at q1
, and the current input symbol is 'a'
, you go to state 4 and stop computing further.
here is the Python code:
#nfa simulation for (a|b)*abb
#state 4 is a trap state
import sys
def main():
transition = [[[0,1],[0]], [[4],[2]], [[4],[3]], [[4],[4]]]
input = raw_input("enter the string: ")
input = list(input) #copy the input in list because python strings are immutable and thus can't be changed directly
for index in range(len(input)): #parse the string of a,b in 0,1 for simplicity
if input[index]=='a':
final = "3" #set of final states = {3}
start = 0
i=0 #counter to remember the number of symbols read
trans(transition, input, final, start, i)
print "rejected"
def trans(transition, input, final, state, i):
for j in range (len(input)):
for each in transition[state][int(input[j])]: #check for each possibility
if each < 4: #move further only if you are at non-hypothetical state
state = each
if j == len(input)-1 and (str(state) in final): #last symbol is read and current state lies in the set of final states
print "accepted"
trans(transition, input[i+1:], final, state, i) #input string for next transition is input[i+1:]
i = i+1 #increment the counter
sample output:(strings ending with abb are accepted)
enter the string: abb
enter the string: aaaabbbb
You don't need a for loop over range(len(input)) if you're using recursion. You're overcomplicating the code. Here's a simplified version
import sys
def main():
transition = [[[0,1],[0]], [[4],[2]], [[4],[3]], [[4],[4]]]
input = raw_input("enter the string: ")
input = list(input) #copy the input in list because python strings are immutable and thus can't be changed directly
for index in range(len(input)): #parse the string of a,b in 0,1 for simplicity
if input[index]=='a':
final = "3" #set of final states = {3}
start = 0
trans(transition, input, final, start)
print "rejected"
def trans(transition, input, final, state):
for each in transition[state][int(input[0])]: #check for each possibility
if each < 4: #move further only if you are at non-hypothetical state
state = each
if len(input)==1:
if (str(state) in final): #last symbol is read and current state lies in the set of final states
print "accepted"
trans(transition, input[1:], final, state) #input string for next transition is input[i+1:]
Here is my version of a dfa implementation if you're looking for a more object-oriented one. I was however ever so slightly inspired by John Coleman's answer.
class Node:
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
self.links = []
def add_link(self, link):
def __str__(self):
node = "(%s):\n" % self.val
for link in self.links:
node += "\t" + link + "\n"
return node
def __add__(self, other):
return str(self) + other
def __radd__(self, other):
return other + str(self)
def equals(self, node):
ok = (self.val == node.val)
if len(self.links) == len(node.links):
for i in range(len(self.links)):
ok = ok and (self.links[i] == node.links[i])
return ok
return False
class Link:
def __init__(self, from_node, etiquette, to_node):
self.from_node = from_node
self.etiquette = etiquette
self.to_node = to_node
def __str__(self):
return "(%s --%s--> %s)" % (self.from_node.val, self.etiquette, self.to_node.val)
def __add__(self, other):
return str(self) + other
def __radd__(self, other):
return other + str(self)
def equals(self, link):
return (self.from_node == link.from_node) and (self.etiquette == link.etiquette) and (self.to_node == link.to_node)
class Automata:
def __init__(self, initial_node, nodes, terminal_node):
self.initial_node = initial_node
self.nodes = nodes
self.terminal_node = terminal_node
def get_next_node(self, current_node, etiquette):
for link in current_node.links:
if link.etiquette == etiquette:
return link.to_node
return None
def accepts(self, string):
node = self.initial_node
for character in string:
node = self.get_next_node(node, character)
return self.terminal_node.equals(node)
def __str__(self):
automata = "Initial node: %s\nTerminal node: %s\n" % (self.initial_node.val, self.terminal_node.val)
for node in self.nodes:
automata += node
return automata
def __add__(self, other):
return str(self) + other
def __radd__(self, other):
return other + str(self)
if __name__ == '__main__':
s0 = Node("s0")
s1 = Node("s1")
s2 = Node("s2")
s0_0_s0 = Link(s0, '0', s0)
s0_1_s1 = Link(s0, '1', s1)
s1_0_s2 = Link(s1, '0', s2)
s1_1_s0 = Link(s1, '1', s0)
s2_0_s1 = Link(s2, '0', s1)
s2_1_s2 = Link(s2, '1', s2)
a = Automata(s0, [s0, s1, s2], s0)
print(a.accepts('1011101')) #True
print(a.accepts('10111011')) #False