I have this select in angular material:
Its code :
<md-select placeholder="Descuentos y convenios" [(ngModel)]="passenger.discount">
<md-option [value]="null" [disabled]="true">
<md-option *ngFor="let option of discounts" [value]="option">
{{ option }}
<md-option [value]="null" [disabled]="true">
<md-option *ngFor="let option of agreements" [value]="option">
{{ option }}
And I would like to have this styles in it:
I tried to put some classes over md-select and md-option, but not worked.
I would like to have maybe just an example of how to put the background color or the border and that would give me an idea.
Thank you in advance
I think classes should work, but you may need to use /deep/ because of the view encapsulation.
Try this:
/deep/ md-select.your-class {
background-color: blue;
You can also play with theming.
If you can solve your style issues with the material 2 scss theming that would be the "right" way hears is a link to there site.
However I used !important on the styles I didn't want materials styles to overwrite.
Here is how I used it:
/*hack to get rid of a scrollbar*/
overflow-x: hidden !important;
/*hack to get rid of a padding on the popup*/
padding: 0px !important;
I had a situation where a horizontal scroll bar was showing up in the md-sidenav and I got rid of their default padding on the md-dialog.
Not the most elegant solution but I hope this helps.
This is another StackOverflow question that discusses what !important is.
What does !important in CSS mean?
The correct way to change styles of overlay classes like mat-dialog-container is to use panelClass
according to Customizing Angular Material component styles:
Add this to your global stylesheet after your theme setup
.myapp-no-padding-dialog .mat-dialog-container {
padding: 0;
Use the following to open the dialog
this.dialog.open(MyDialogComponent, {panelClass: 'myapp-no-padding-dialog'})
The top solutions of /deep/
, >>>
and ::ng-deep
are being deprecated and should no longer be used.
The recommended method is now view encapsulation
I used ViewEncapsulation.None to successfully override material table styles within a single component in Angular 6.
On your component:
import { ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
// ...
// ...
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
Here's a great article on the subject
You can try adding this code.
padding: 0px !important;
If this does not work you can use
/deep/.className {
... your code goes here