The Basic Usage documentation for StackExchange.Redis explains that the ConnectionMultiplexer
is long-lived and is expected to be reused.
But what about when the connection to the server is broken? Does ConnectionMultiplexer
automatically reconnect, or is it necessary to write code as in this answer (quoting that answer):
if (RedisConnection == null || !RedisConnection.IsConnected)
RedisConnection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(...);
RedisCacheDb = RedisConnection.GetDatabase();
Is the above code something good to handle recovery from disconnects, or would it actually result in multiple ConnectionMultiplexer
instances? Along the same lines, how should the IsConnected
property be interpreted?
[Aside: I believe the above code is a pretty bad form of lazy initialization, particularly in multithreaded environments - see Jon Skeet's article on Singletons].
Here is the pattern recommended by the Azure Redis Cache team:
private static Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer> lazyConnection = new Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer>(() => {
return ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(",abortConnect=false,ssl=true,password=...");
public static ConnectionMultiplexer Connection {
get {
return lazyConnection.Value;
A few important points:
- It uses Lazy<T> to handle thread-safe initialization
- It sets "abortConnect=false", which means if the initial connect attempt fails, the ConnectionMultiplexer will silently retry in the background rather than throw an exception.
- It does not check the IsConnected property, since ConnectionMultiplexer will automatically retry in the background if the connection is dropped.
Yes, you need that type of verification in order to fix broken connections. Some thread safety should also be factored in as well. This is how I usually do this:
private static ConnectionMultiplexer _redis;
private static readonly Object _multiplexerLock = new Object();
private void ConnectRedis()
_redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("...<connection string here>...");
catch (Exception ex)
//exception handling goes here
private ConnectionMultiplexer RedisMultiplexer
lock (_multiplexerLock)
if (_redis == null || !_redis.IsConnected)
return _redis;
Then I use the RedisMultiplexer
property everywhere I need to call the Redis endpoint. I don't usually store the result of the GetDatabase()
call because the documentation says it's a pretty lightweight call.