Which Maven artifacts should I use to import Power

2019-01-24 03:09发布


What jars do I need to add to my pom.xml to get PowerMock working with Mockito? I have the following dependencies:


but when I add the @PrepareForTest annotation at class level, Eclipse cannot find it, but it can find PowerMockito. What jar am I missing?


According to the Mockito_Maven page on the PowerMock wiki, use this:


powermock-api-support seems to be "utility classes only", where you still need the core libraries provided in powermock-module-junit4.


Make sure you have this import:

import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;

This jar has it:

  • powermock-mockito-1.5.1-full.jar


You are writting:


Instead of:


I had exactly the same issue and solved it that way.


Download the Mockito dependency zip file apart from your powermock-module-junit4 & powermock-api-mockito dependecies. Add that jars directly in your project it should work and configure your pom accordingly.

Power Mockito dependencies - All Jars