I ran a code about the deep learning network,first I trained the network,and it works well,but this error occurs when running to the validate network.
I have five epoch,every epoch has a process of training and validation. I met the error when validate in the first epoch. So I don not run the validate code, I found that code can run to the second epoch and have no error.
My code:
for epoch in range(10,15): # epoch: 10~15
trainer.epoch(model, epoch)
#if(epoch == 14):
I feel the code of validation may have some bugs. But I can not find that.
The error, which you has provided is shown, because you ran out of memory on your GPU. A way to solve it is to reduce the batch size until your code will run without this error.
1.. When you only perform validation not training,
you don't need to calculate gradients for forward and backward phase.
In that situation, your code can be located under
with torch.no_grad():
Above code doesn't use GPU memory
2.. If you use += operator in your code,
it can accumulate gradient continuously in your gradient graph.
In that case, you need to use float() like following site
Even if docs guides with float(), in case of me, item() also worked like
for i in range(100):
3.. If you use for loop in training code,
data can be sustained until entire for loop ends.
So, in that case, you can explicitly delete variables after performing optimizer.step()
for one_epoch in range(100):
del intermediate_variable1,intermediate_variable2,...
The best way is to find the process engaging gpu memory and kill it:
find the PID of python process from:
copy the PID and kill it by:
sudo kill -9 pid
It might be for a number of reasons that I try to report in the following list:
- Modules parameters: check the number of dimensions for your modules. Linear layers that transform a big input tensor (e.g., size 1000) in another big output tensor (e.g., size 1000) will require a matrix whose size is (1000, 1000).
- RNN decoder maximum steps: if you're using an RNN decoder in your architecture, avoid looping for a big number of steps. Usually, you fix a given number of decoding steps that is reasonable for your dataset.
- Tensors usage: minimise the number of tensors that you create. The garbage collector won't release them until they go out of scope.
- Batch size: incrementally increase your batch size until you go out of memory. It's a common trick that even famous library implement (see the
description for the BucketIterator in AllenNLP.
In addition, I would recommend you to have a look to the official PyTorch documentation: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/notes/faq.html
If someone arrives here because of fast.ai, the batch size of a loader such as ImageDataLoaders
can be controlled via bs=N
where N is the size of the batch.
My dedicated GPU is limited to 2GB of memory, using bs=8
in the following example worked in my situation:
from fastai.vision.all import *
path = untar_data(URLs.PETS)/'images'
def is_cat(x): return x[0].isupper()
dls = ImageDataLoaders.from_name_func(
path, get_image_files(path), valid_pct=0.2, seed=42,
label_func=is_cat, item_tfms=Resize(244), num_workers=0, bs=)
learn = cnn_learner(dls, resnet34, metrics=error_rate)