I'm completely stumped on this one, being trying for hours but with no success, hoping someone can help. Trying to build a cron script to run daily that returns the rows that are exactly 7 days older than the current date.
The thing is, my query is not returning anything. No error messges, nothing (I know there are entries in the DB from the last 7 days - we get about 7000 new entries a day, so they are there!) I've tried a SELECT * and echo out the edit date with success, so everything is working, apart from my SQL script.
The column I'm referencing (edit_date) is type 'datetime' formated with Y-m-d h-m-s. This column always has a datetime value assigned on both create and edit.
function get_ad_sql($table){
$sql = "SELECT
edit_date = DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)
return $sql;
And calling the function and 'trying' to echo the primary_key:
$sqlAng = get_ad_sql('angebote');
$result = mysql_query($sqlAng);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo $row['primary_key'];
I've tried every variation of DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY), including CURDATE(), DATE_FORMAT(edit_date, '%m/%d/%Y') that I could find on here and online, but couldn't get anything to work. Hope someone can help me!