I have this 3D object in my scene:
var icon = new THREE.Object3D()
var iconTexture = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('images/icon.png'),
iconMaterial = new THREE.SpriteMaterial({
map: iconTexture,
color: 0xffffff,
opacity: 1
var iconSprite = new THREE.Sprite(iconMaterial);
iconSprite.scale.set(14, 14, 1.0);
iconSprite.position.set(Math.random() - 0.5, Math.random() - 0.5, Math.random() - 0.75);
icon.position.y = 15;
icon.position.z = 20;
I manged to get the position of this object:
var position = new THREE.Vector3();
position.getPositionFromMatrix( icon.matrixWorld );
console.log(position.x + ',' + position.y + ',' + position.z);
But I can't get the size of that object. I tried something like that:
console.log("sizes: "+icon.min+", "+icon.max);
But got this output: sizes: undefined, undefined
Is there any way to get the size of that object?