Is that possible? I know that services like Google Ads prohibit advertising in desktop applications. Is there a service that supports the WPF/.NET?
First,adsense being not allowed to be used in desktop apps , You can look for other advertising networks. There are other ad networks like amazon associates , .. etc . You can search for them according to the domains ex: banking, retails . You can look for/contact them for their terms and conditions on desktop usage.
And not all of them would provide you an API for .Net. If amazon is allowed for desktop usage: Look into this API
Secondly , w.r.t the technical aspects of WPF. You can have a website built to inject ads from your network . Embed the URL in the web browser control in your WPF applications. This would work on condition that the desktop is connected to internet all the time.
In case if all doors are closed , and you still want to make money from your wpf app , you can think about using toolbars provided by various vendors in your application.
Hope this helps.
Here is some term you may encounter while your start your research in the marketing jungle. you can imagine the Marketplace of advertisement like WallStreet, it work with bidding.
open market : you may get X ads. Ads that lock the user navigation or else... it's a mess.
private market : elitist, you better have good arguments!
Publisher : probably YOU, your website, your application
Advertiser : generally brands
SSP : Supply-Side Platforms (for Publishers)
DSP : Demand-Side Platform (for Advertisers)
RTB : Real-Time Bidding (used by all open market)
PMP : Private Marketplace
Programmatic Direct : mostly used by PMP to ease advertisers<>publishers targeting & bidding
Inventory : ads Demands/Supplies
Impression : ads showed by publishers on a webpage/application
Ad Exchange: marketplace for SSP, DSP, Ad Network & other Ad exchange to buy/sell ad inventory
ex: Google Ad Manager (Google DoubleClick Ad Exchange) < this one is a PMP
Ad Network : (optionnal mediator / PMP)
ex: Google AdSense, Facebook Audience Network, Microsoft Advertising, Amazon Associates, openX, etc...
Ad Mediation (optionnal mediator working with multiple Ad Network)
With all of that, you may still wonder why desktop application is not accepted by the PMP? there's a lot of reason, but here are some:
- You are unknow and brands don't want to take the risk to be associated with a hacking tool or other illegal stuff
- mobile phone app is accepted coz they are all validated by a human review before been released in the "blabla store". So, advertiser don't need to worry too much about the quality of the publisher.
My advise is that if you want to be in business with a PMP, then you're going to have to prove yourself. Build a website (and put ads in it), publish your application, build a reputation, write mails, call phones, negotiate.
And i sincerly whish you to succeed!