I am an experimental physicist and am a big enthusiast of Python.
I find it great for data analysis and scripting, and I actualy also use it to interface laboratory instruments (network analyzer, scopes, signal analyzers, and signal generators...). I think Python would be a very serious competitor for MATLAB in my field if there would exist a nice library incorporating instrument drivers.
Up to now, I have been using several strategies to interface them directly from my IPython session:
Using the library pyVisa, which is nice, working for the large majority of devices, but a little bit low-level, and requires an extra layer of programming to expose useful functions to the user.
I have been able recently to use IVI-COM or .NET drivers using pythondotnet (not IronPython, which lacks NumPy/Matplotlib... libraries). This solution is obviously the most satisfying one because the IVI drivers are already quite high level, and they are usually provided by the vendors and instruments from different vendors are then interchangeable.
My first question is a rather technical one:
I read everywhere that COM objects are integrated in the .NET framework and that you can use COM objets diretly in .NET. In my case, I'm able to use COM objects by importing the comtypes module (see http://code.activestate.com/recipes/578089-using-iviscope-instrument-driver-with-python/) and dotnet
with clr
from pythondotnet, but I simply don't understand how to access those COM objects with the clr
module. Can someone explain the link between COM and .NET?
Also, I am always a little bit confused, how do I know, when I have a DLL file, if this is containing a .NET module or not, and if I can open it with version 4.0 of .NET (I am a complete beginner in these framework issues and a link to the proper documentation would be perfectly fine)?
The second question is, more generally, is there not a module that would already gather a larger number of drivers for different instruments in a unified manner? It seems to me like we must be thousands of people working on the same issues.
I recently fell on the module lantz http://lantz.glugcen.dc.uba.ar/. Unfortunately, this is in Python 3.0, while I am still using Python 2.7 (with the pythonxy distribution for Windows). Moreover, I am a bit afraid by the fact that this project is not trying to implement the IVI recommendations, which would be a good starting point.
Any comment or link to a relevant source of information would be more than welcome.