So, I just ran into an interesting problem while using the Scanner class to read contents from files. Basically, I'm trying to read several output files produced by a parsing application from a directory to compute some accuracy metrics.
Basically, my code just walks through each of the files in the directory, and opens them up with a scanner to process the contents. For whatever reason, a few of the files (all UTF-8 encoded) were not being read by the Scanner. Even though the files were not empty, scanner.hasNextLine() would return false upon its first call (I opened up the debugger and observed this). I was initializing the scanner directly with the File objects each time (the file Objects were successfully created). i.e:
File file = new File(pathName);
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
I tried a couple of things, and was eventually able to fix this problem by initializing the scanner in the following way:
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(file));
Though I'm happy to have solved the problem, I'm still curious as to what might have been happening to cause the problem before. Any ideas? Thanks so much!