I have a record with fields of different types, and a function that is applicable to all of those types. As a small (silly) example:
data Rec = Rec { flnum :: Float, intnum :: Int } deriving (Show)
Say, I want to define a function that adds two records per-field:
addR :: Rec -> Rec -> Rec
addR a b = Rec { flnum = (flnum a) + (flnum b), intnum = (intnum a) + (intnum b) }
Is there a way to express this without repeating the operation for every field (there may be many fields in the record)?
In reality, I have a record comprised exclusively of Maybe
fields, and I want to combine the actual data with a record containing default values for some of the fields, to be used when the actual data was Nothing
(I guess it should be possible with template haskell, but I am more interested in a "portable" implementation.)
You can use gzipWithT for that.
I'm not an expert, so my version it a bit silly. It should be possible to call gzipWithT
only once, e.g. using extQ
and extT
, but I failed to find the way to do that. Anyway, here is my version:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Generics
data Test = Test {
test1 :: Int,
test2 :: Float,
test3 :: Int,
test4 :: String,
test5 :: String
deriving (Typeable, Data, Eq, Show)
t1 :: Test
t1 = Test 1 1.1 2 "t1" "t11"
t2 :: Test
t2 = Test 3 2.2 4 "t2" "t22"
merge :: Test -> Test -> Test
merge a b = let b' = gzipWithT mergeFloat a b
b'' = gzipWithT mergeInt a b'
in gzipWithT mergeString a b''
mergeInt :: (Data a, Data b) => a -> b -> b
mergeInt = mkQ (mkT (id :: Int -> Int)) (\a -> mkT (\b -> a + b :: Int))
mergeFloat :: (Data a, Data b) => a -> b -> b
mergeFloat = mkQ (mkT (id :: Float -> Float)) (\a -> mkT (\b -> a + b :: Float))
mergeString :: (Data a, Data b) => a -> b -> b
mergeString = mkQ (mkT (id :: String -> String)) (\a -> mkT (\b -> a ++ b :: String))
main :: IO ()
main = print $ merge t1 t2
Test {test1 = 4, test2 = 3.3000002, test3 = 6, test4 = "t1t2", test5 = "t11t22"}
The code is obscure, but the idea is simple, gzipWithT
applies the specified generic function (mergeInt
, mergeString
, etc) to pair of corresponding fields.
Yet another way is to use GHC.Generics:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts,
UndecidableInstances, DeriveGeneric, TypeOperators #-}
import GHC.Generics
class AddR a where
addR :: a -> a -> a
instance (Generic a, GAddR (Rep a)) => AddR a where
addR a b = to (from a `gaddR` from b)
class GAddR f where
gaddR :: f a -> f a -> f a
instance GAddR a => GAddR (M1 i c a) where
M1 a `gaddR` M1 b = M1 (a `gaddR` b)
instance (GAddR a, GAddR b) => GAddR (a :*: b) where
(al :*: bl) `gaddR` (ar :*: br) = gaddR al ar :*: gaddR bl br
instance Num a => GAddR (K1 i a) where
K1 a `gaddR` K1 b = K1 (a + b)
-- Usage
data Rec = Rec { flnum :: Float, intnum :: Int } deriving (Show, Generic)
t1 = Rec 1.0 2 `addR` Rec 3.0 4
with vinyl
(an "extensible records" package):
import Data.Vinyl
-- `vinyl` exports `Rec`
type Nums = Rec Identity [Float, Int]
which is equivalent to
data Nums' = Nums' (Identity Float) (Identity Int)
which is itself equivalent to
data Nums'' = Nums'' Float Int
then addR
is simply
-- vinyl defines `recAdd`
addR :: Nums -> Nums -> Nums
addR = recAdd
and if you add a new field
type Nums = Rec Identity [Float, Int, Word]
you don't need to touch addR
btw, recAdd
is easy to define yourself, if you want to "lift" your own custom numeric operations, it's just
-- the `RecAll f rs Num` constraint means "each field satisfies `Num`"
recAdd :: RecAll f rs Num => Rec f rs -> Rec f rs -> Rec f rs
recAdd RNil RNil = RNil
recAdd (a :& as) (b :& bs) = (a + b) :& recAdd as bs
For convenience, you can define your own constructor:
nums :: Float -> Int -> Num
nums a b = Identity a :& Identity b :& RNil
and even a pattern for both constructing and matching values:
-- with `-XPatternSynonyms`
pattern Nums :: Float -> Int -> Num
pattern Nums a b = Identity a :& Identity b :& RNil
main = do
let r1 = nums 1 2
let r2 = nums 3 4
print $ r1 `addR` r2
let (Nums a1 _) = r1
print $ a1
let r3 = i 5 :& i 6 :& i 7 :& z -- inferred
print $ r1 `addR` (rcast r3) -- drop the last field
Since r3
is inferred as
(Num a, Num b, Num c) => Rec Identity [a, b, c]
you can (safely) upcast it to
rcast r3 :: (Num a, Num b) => Rec Identity [a, b]
you then specialize it
rcast r3 :: Nums
I don't think there's any way to do this, as to get the values from the fields, you need to specify their names, or pattern match on them - and similarly to set the fields, you specify their names, or use the regular constructor syntax to set them - where the syntax order matters.
Perhaps a slight simplification would be to use the regular constructor syntax and add a closure for the operation
addR' :: Rec -> Rec -> Rec
addR' a b = Rec (doAdd flnum) (doAdd intnum)
where doAdd f = (f a) + (f b)
has the type (Num a) => (Rec -> a) -> a
Additionally, if you plan on doing more than one operation on the record - for example, a subR
, which does almost the same but subtracts - you can abstract away the behavior into a function by using RankNTypes
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
data Rec = Rec { flnum :: Float, intnum :: Int } deriving (Show)
opRecFields :: (forall a. (Num a) => a -> a -> a) -> Rec -> Rec -> Rec
opRecFields op a b = Rec (performOp flnum) (performOp intnum)
where performOp f = (f a) `op` (f b)
addR = opRecFields (+)
subR = opRecFields (-)