Quick history:
- I'm using AndroidStudio 3.0
- my project has 100+ modules (multiple applications and libraries).
- all of them have same flavorDimensions and flavors.
Now question: how to change flavors for all modules in bulk in AndroidStudio 3.0+ without changing each application separately?
Here is what I recently ended up doing:
- close Android Studio
- open a terminal
to the base directory of your project
replace all occurrences of <option name="SELECTED_BUILD_VARIANT" value="debug" />
with <option name="SELECTED_BUILD_VARIANT" value="release" />
or vice versa in all iml
files. Here is a one liner to change all modules to release
find . -name \*.iml | xargs perl -pi -e 's/<option\s+name="SELECTED_BUILD_VARIANT"\s+value="[^"]+"/<option name="SELECTED_BUILD_VARIANT" value="release"/'
to change back to debug
find . -name \*.iml | xargs perl -pi -e 's/<option\s+name="SELECTED_BUILD_VARIANT"\s+value="[^"]+"/<option name="SELECTED_BUILD_VARIANT" value="debug"/'
The build variant of all modules should be replaced now
Of course this approach makes assumptions about the formatting of an xml file which makes it a bit fragile. So far it seems to work well though.
There are two settings in Android Studio to enable switching all variants at once when selecting the app variant.
The settings are "Only sync the active variant" & "Do not build Gradle task list during Gradle sync". Both of them need to be disabled, then I restarted Android Studio once and Gradle sync.
With the settings in the screenshot disabled, I went from switching and waiting for ~10 seconds per dynamic-feature module (10 in my project) to one single switch in <5 seconds.
Note: This is tested in Android Studio 4.0.1