When the page loads, I want to use Javascript/Jquery to automatically take the user to the 500px downwards. But it has to seem natural.
How can that be done?
When the page loads, I want to use Javascript/Jquery to automatically take the user to the 500px downwards. But it has to seem natural.
How can that be done?
Just Javascript: window.scrollBy(0,500);
You can use the jquery scrollto plugin. It's very easy.
Is there a lighter version? Just using javascript?
You could consider calling window.location.hash
during onload. Have an element with an ID at about 500px down and just do
window.onload = function() {
window.location.hash = '#foo';
Oh, the #
is mandatory for IE compatibility ;)
use the jquery one Jourkey suggested. Cross platform easy to use etc. There is pure JavaScript one you can try, though YMMV on browsers other than IE
"scrollTo Method
Scrolls the window to the specified x- and y-offset. "
What about navigating to some predefined link inside the page. Foe example see URL pointing to the location inside the page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Locator#cite_note-0