Im getting this error and i dont know how to solve it. In a node js server, i'm using some .then() function on a promise and at the end i placed a .catch() function that for some reason is not recognized. I have seen in many places in tutorials that this is how an error is handled. I'm not using any external libraries.
The error :
TypeError: promise.then(...).then(...).then(...).then(...).catch is not a function
This is my code:
exports.joinAlbum = function(req, res){
var promise = Album.findOne().where({'shortId': req.body.shortId}).exec(); // Returns a promise
console.log('Then #1');
return; // Returns a promise
console.log('Then #2');
return User.findById(req.body.userId).exec(); // Returns a promise
console.log('Then #3');
return; // Returns a promise
// Return a response
console.log('Then #4');
return res.status(200).json({success: true});
//Error handler
console.log('Catch #1');
res.status(200).json({success: false});
If .catch() is not the correct way to handle promise error, what do you suggest? Im trying to avoid using external libraries and prefer using native javascript
EDIT: solution
I added a npm module called blue-bird that helped me solve this.