
Laravel 5 input old is empty

2020-08-21 06:16发布


My routes is here

Route::get('sign-up', ['as' => 'signUp', 'uses' => 'UserController@signUpGet']);
Route::post('sign-up', ['as' => 'signUpPost', 'uses' => 'UserController@signUpPost']);


return redirect('signUp')->withInput();

And View

    <form role="form" method="POST" action="{{route('signUpPost')}}"> 
        <input type="text" class="form-control" name="username" value="{{ old('username') }}">

The {{old()}} function return empty value.
I took

NotFoundHttpException in RouteCollection.php line 145:


Your problem looks like you are not actually submitting the username in the first place:

<form role="form" method="POST" action="{{route('signUpPost')}}"> 
        <input type="text" class="form-control" name="username" value="{{ old('username') }}">

There is no 'submit' button inside the form. If you submit outside the form - then the username will not be included.

Add the submit button inside your form - then try again

<form role="form" method="POST" action="{{route('signUpPost')}}"> 
        <input type="text" class="form-control" name="username" value="{{ old('username') }}">
        <input type="submit" value="Submit">

Edit - also your controller is wrong. It should be this:

 return redirect()->route('signUp')->withInput();


All you are missing is to Flash the Input to the session. This is so it's available during the next request.


Do that just before calling to View your form.

Source: http://laravel.com/docs/5.1/requests#old-input


You can try this: {{ Input::old('username') }}.


I realize this isn't the case in this particular situation, but I ran into this problem as well. My problem here was caused by "data-prefill" in the input. Once I removed this, it worked.

Good luck everyone!


            <div class="form-group @if($errors->first('username')) has-error @endif">
              <label for="username" class="rtl">Enter user name </label>
              <input type="text" name="username" class="form-control rtl basic-usage" id="username" placeholder="Enter user name" value="{!! old('username') !!}">
              <span class="help-block required">{{$errors->first('username')}}</span>

above form field will show old value entered. will show validation error (you have to specify error separately.) have a place holder. bootstrap to look better.(add bootstrap)