I'm writing one of my first integration tests in Swift.
I'm trying to check if an image exists at a particular url.
I want to perform a head request and check the response's status code.
I keep getting the error:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'API violation - multiple calls made to -[XCTestExpectation fulfill].
I've tried making the expectation a weak variable.
I have the following code/test:
func testAndroidImagesExist() {
weak var expectation: XCTestExpectation?
expectation = expectationForNotification(kBaoNotification_ManifestImportCompleted, object: nil) { (notification: NSNotification!) -> Bool in
let userInfo: NSDictionary = notification.userInfo!
var titles = userInfo.valueForKey("titles") as? NSArray
titles?.enumerateObjectsUsingBlock({ (t: AnyObject!, idx: Int, stop: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void in
let title = t as NSDictionary
let titleLabel = title.valueForKey("title") as String
let parameters = title.valueForKey("parameters") as NSDictionary
let androidImageUrl = parameters.valueForKey("android_logo_url") as String
var androidRequest = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: androidImageUrl)!)
androidRequest.HTTPMethod = "HEAD"
var androidResponse: NSURLResponse?
var androidData = NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest(androidRequest, returningResponse: &androidResponse, error: nil)
var androidHttpResponse = androidResponse as? NSHTTPURLResponse
if androidHttpResponse != nil {
if androidHttpResponse!.statusCode == 404 {
XCTFail("Android image not found for title \(titleLabel)")
} else {
XCTFail("No response from android image for title \(titleLabel)")
return true
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(10, handler: { (error: NSError!) -> Void in
if (error != nil) {
XCTFail("Timeout error: \(error)")
Any ideas?