
What is the purpose of “-Wa,option” in GCC? [close

2020-08-21 03:05发布


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Closed 7 years ago.

How do I use


in GCC? What are all the options I can pass to the assembler? Is there a list of all GCC options?

For example, I found -Wa,-a,-ad here. What does it mean?


Always check the Documentation

Pass option as an option to the assembler. If option contains commas, it is split into multiple options at the commas.

So in your case -a and -ad were passed to the assembler, what those do depend on your assembler. Gcc doesn't know what to do with system-specific assembler options so giving it the -Wa flag lets it know to just pass whatever follows through.

You can also find the documentation locally via man pages. To open the documentation on GNU's assembler, perform:

$ man 1 as

It will open:

AS(1)                        GNU Development Tools                       AS(1)

       AS - the portable GNU assembler.

       as [-a[cdghlns][=file]] [--alternate] [-D]
        [--compress-debug-sections]  [--nocompress-debug-sections]
        [--debug-prefix-map old=new]
        [--defsym sym=val] [-f] [-g] [--gstabs]
        [--gstabs+] [--gdwarf-2] [--gdwarf-sections]
        [--help] [-I dir] [-J]
        [-K] [-L] [--listing-lhs-width=NUM]
        [--listing-lhs-width2=NUM] [--listing-rhs-width=NUM]
        [--listing-cont-lines=NUM] [--keep-locals] [-o
        objfile] [-R] [--reduce-memory-overheads] [--statistics]
        [-v] [-version] [--version] [-W] [--warn]
        [--fatal-warnings] [-w] [-x] [-Z] [@FILE]
        [--target-help] [target-options]
        [--|files ...]


Since these options are passed to the assembler, you need to check the man page for as, not gcc.

-a turns on assembly output listings (which is written to standard output), while -ad omits any debugging directive from the output listing.


In order to see a list of options of any command in bash, you can run the following command:


In this case

man gcc

will reveal that -Wa,option means the following:

Pass option as an option to the assembler. If option contains commas, it is split into multiple options at the commas.