converting svn repo to git using reposurgeon

2020-08-20 11:39发布


I am trying to convert an svn repo to git using reposurgeon.

Here is what I did ( have a file that has the svn name -> git name mapping):

svnadmin dump /home/subversion > repo.svn
reposurgeon "verbose 1" "repo.svn" "authors read" "write"

reposurgeon runs for many hours (lots of swapping as it is a 12GB dump file), and everything looks good. Here is the output I get:

    reposurgeon: verbose 1
    reposurgeon: from repo.svn...copynodes+filemaps+copysets+commits+branches+parents+root+branchlinks+svn-mergeinfo+tagifying+tagify-empty+polishing+canonicalizing+resets+debubbling+renumbering+14163 revisions (1/s)...(9810.18 sec) done.
reposurgeon: r13: deleting parentless zero-op commit.
reposurgeon: r13726: deleting parentless zero-op commit.
    2012-12-24T01:16:23Z * repo.svn

At this point reposurgeon just sits. I'm not sure where to look for a solution at this point, as it never actually gives me an error message. Any suggestions are most welcome.


It's successfully imported the repository, but then it goes to process the authors read command, but you didn't specify a file. At this point it's actually waiting for the file to appear on stdin. Use authors read <author-map where author-map is the name of the file containing the map.

You'll also want to change the write command to write >, for similar reasons.


If you would consider an alternative to reposurgeon and git-svn, have a look at SubGit.

$ subgit configure /home/subversion
#edit /home/subversion/conf/subgit.conf to set 'core.authorsFile' option to path to "" file
$ subgit install /home/subversion
$ subgit uninstall --purge /home/subversion

The converted repository will be in /home/subversion/.git directory. As a bonus, you'll have all svn:ignore and svn:eol-style properties converted to their Git analog.

Usually SVN repository is about 4x more compact than a corresponding dump file, so the conversion of the original repository can be faster than dump-based conversion.

标签: git svn svnadmin