
Android Studio 3.3 Stuck at Project Setup:reading

2020-08-20 09:00发布


I have create module library with NDK. After updating Android Studio 3.3, open project on studio stuck on build project

Project Setup:reading from cache...

Every time needs to "Invalidate and Restart" android studio then after studio working.

I have try to delete .gradle folder but still facing this issue.

How can I solved this misbehavior of studio 3.3?


I don't have enough reputation to comment so I'll post this as an answer.

  • After you Invalidate and Restart have you tried Build->Clean Project and rebuilding then syncing again?

  • Have you tried restarting your computer to turn of any processes that may keep caches from clearing?

  • Have you tried upgrading your gradle version as well (inside your gradle-wrapper.properties)?

  • Have you checked if your gradle path is correct at File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Gradle?

  • Have you tried locating your gradlew and doing a gradlew cleanBuildCache?

  • Have you tried removing the C:\Users\{Your Username}\.gradle\caches folder?

  • Have you tried disabling cache building altogether (will slow down your build and is not recommended)? To do this you have to go to your gradle.properties file and set android.enableBuildCache=false


Gradle caches are at

  • On macOS/Linux: $HOME/.gradle/caches/
  • On Windows: %USER_HOME%\.gradle/caches/

Try to delete those directories.

More about build caches is here: Android Studio Build Cache

Also, Disable configuration on demand in your gradle.properties file as shown below:


See: Known issues with the Android Gradle Plugin


Try Below approach:

Go to "

File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Instant Run"

and just disable it.

With this Android Studio builds from scratch each time but it's better than not building it right.


open your project's gradle.perperties file and add settings:


restart your projects