I need to use a larger font for one of the labels.
label.setFont( new Font(display,"Arial", 14, SWT.BOLD ) );
but obviously Arial is not always the default font. I want to change just the size and keep everything else at default values.
Can I do something like
label.setFontSize( 14 );
to avoid setting the other parameters? Or can I at least find out the name of the font that is actually being used as default?
I believe you could do something like
FontData[] fD = label.getFont().getFontData();
label.setFont( new Font(display,fD[0]));
As long as no more than one font is returned, that should work.
You can do the following:
FontData[] fontData = label.getFont().getFontData();
for(int i = 0; i < fontData.length; ++i)
final Font newFont = new Font(display, fontData);
// Since you created the font, you must dispose it
label.addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() {
public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) {