How to compare two Struct objects? [duplicate]

2020-08-20 02:01发布


I have two objects for the same struct class having different values. I need to compare these two objects whether they are equal or not. Please guide me through a proper solution.

struct CustomerInfo {
   var billAddressCity: String?

      billAddressCity = a


 /* init object */
 var obj1 =  CustomerInfo?
 var obj2 =  CustomerInfo?

 obj1 = CustomerInfo(a: "ONE")
 obj2 = CustomerInfo(a: "TWO")

 /*  I need to compare these two objects */

 if obj1 == obj2 {
     Print(equal values)

This is not the answer Iam looking for, as it says i need to compare each and every values of fields manually, Compare two instances of an object in Swift


In the Object Oriented World, generally, all Objects are unique to each other.

So, how I could compare two objects?

Your struct/class need to implement the Equatable Protocol which let you define how an object could be equal to another object of the same class/struct

Let's begin with this House struct:

struct House {
    var street: String

var houseA = House.init(street: "street A, n. 10")
var houseB = House.init(street: "street A, n. 10")

houseA == houseB // of course you can't

With the Equatable protocol you can implement the static func ==. Here you can define how two object of the same class could be equal when you use the operator ==.

In my example, two objects of the struct House could be equal when they have the same street:

struct House: Equatable {
    var street: String

    static func == (lhs: House, rhs: House) -> Bool {
        return lhs.street == rhs.street

var houseA = House.init(street: "street A, n. 10")
var houseB = House.init(street: "street A, n. 10")

houseA == houseB // now print true


By conforming to Equatable:

struct CustomerInfo: Equatable {
    var billAddressCity: String?

        billAddressCity = a

    static func ==(lhs: CustomerInfo, rhs: CustomerInfo) -> Bool {
        return (lhs.billAddressCity == rhs.billAddressCity)